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Nature- wet and cold. This is a green herb. It prevents from getting stones. Bathua makes the stomach strong, heals the liver enlarged by heat. As much as the greens of Bathua are consumed, it is useful to remain healthy. Take with minimum spices, it is good if you don’t add salt if water needs to be added for taste, and raita made in curd is delicious. Mix rock salt and sprinkle it with cow or buffalo ghee. Consume Bathua daily.

Eye lightening- In the redness or swelling in the eyes, eating Bathua’s greens provides relief. The greens of Bathua make the light of the eyes bright.

Knee Pain – Boil bathua in more water, after filtering the water, bake the painful knees and eat boiled bathua vegetables. In this way, the pain of the knees is cured by consuming Bathua for a week. To make the boiled water of Bathua tasty, add salt and pepper and drink it.

Constipation – Bathua gives strength to the stomach, removes constipation. Those who are constipated should eat bathua’s vegetables regularly. For a few weeks, by eating the vegetable of Bathua regularly, the persistent constipation is removed, the body gets strength and the energy remains. If there is a headache due to constipation, then it is cured.

Stomach diseases – As long as the greens of bathua are available in the season, eat its vegetable regularly by adding black salt, drink boiled water, drink boiled water. With this, all kinds of diseases of the stomach, liver, spleen, indigestion, gas, piles, stones are cured.

If there is a stone, drink a glass of raw bath water mixed with sugar regularly, the stone will break and come out.

In skin diseases like white spots, ringworm, itching, boils, leprosy etc., boil bathua regularly, squeeze and drink its juice and eat vegetables. It is a blood purifier.

Worms– Mixing salt according to taste in a cup of raw Bathua juice and drinking it twice a day for 10 days kills the worms. Grinding one spoon of Bathua seeds and mixing it with honey kills worms and cures blood bile.

If there are lice, nits, boil the bathua and wash the head with its water, the lice will die and the hair will become clean and soft.

If menstruation has stopped, boil two spoons of Bathua seeds in a glass of water. Filter it and drink it

when it remains half or drink sixty grams of Bathua by boiling it in a glass of water, filtering it and drinking it. Menstruation will come clearly. Eat other vegetables too.

If there is swelling, redness in the eyes, then eat bathua vegetables daily.

White spots – Eat bathua vegetable regularly. Grind the chutney of its raw leaves and apply it twice daily on the white spots, extract the juice and apply it thrice daily. Do this for four months.

Arthritis, knee pain – Drink half a cup of juice of Bathua leaves in the morning on an empty stomach for two months every day. After that do not eat anything for two hours. Eat roti made of Bathua leaves.


For two and a half months, drink half a cup of juice of fresh Bathua leaves on a hungry stomach in the morning and boil three spoons or half a spoonful of ginger juice in half a glass of water and filter it when the water remains half. When it is cool to drink, mix honey

according to taste and drink it at night while sleeping and cover it. It is very beneficial in rheumatism.

On boils, pimples, swelling by tying the bath and applying wet soil on the cloth, the boil will sit or it will burst soon after cooking.

Ringworm – By drinking its water after boiling the bathua, ringworms get cured quickly.

Stones – Bathua prevents from getting stones. The raw juice of its leaves is more beneficial. Bathua can also drink boiled water. Adding mint as per taste in the vegetable of Bathua and eating it twice a day removes the stones. This experiment should be done continuously for a long time or till the stone is removed.

Urinary diseases – Half a kilo of bathua, three glasses of water, boil both and then filter the water. After squeezing the bathua, take out the water and mix it in the filtered water. Add lemon, cumin, a little black pepper and rock salt to taste and drink. Drink the

Hemorrhage, Headache- Applying ground urad dal soaked on the forehead ends hemorrhage and headache caused by heat.

Back pain – Roast one loaf of urad dal without peeling and grinding it. Take out one loaf of date palm and grind it and grind one pav of Arjuna’s bark. Mix all these and drink it twice with cold water. There will be benefits in back pain.

Boils – If thick and more pus comes out from the boil, then tie a poultice of urad.

Strengthening- (1) Urad has potency-enhancing properties. Eat urad in any way, in any form, it will increase the power. Urad is rich, so only those with good digestion power should eat it.

(2) Soak urad lentils in half the

night. Grind it in the morning and drink it after mixing milk and sugar candy. It is very beneficial for the heart, brain and semen. Consume it only with good digestion power. Eating urad dal with peel makes the body strong. Giving asafetida in urad dal enhances its properties even more.

(3) Grind soaked urad dal and lick it after mixing one spoon of native ghee, half spoon of honey. Drink milk mixed with sugar candy from above. By consuming it continuously, you will become strong like a horse.

Milk growth- By eating urad dal mixed with ghee, more milk comes into the breasts. If baldness has already started, hair is falling rapidly due to some debilitating disease, then boil urad dal with peel and grind it and massage it in the roots of the hair. Wash your head after half an hour. New hair will start growing from this. Baldness will go away.

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