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Nature– Cool and moist.
Eating apple gourd is beneficial in the condition of illness it gives strength to the brain and body and makes it fat lowers high blood pressure, eases urination and cures mild fever

Apple – Apple is a good tonic. People of all ages should eat it daily. Apple peels are rich in vitamins. Therefore, eat the apple with peel. Consuming apples regularly in the morning and evening on an empty stomach keeps the body energetic. By removing irritability, mental power increases. Vitamin ‘C’ is high in apples. Eating apples is beneficial in chronic, incurable diseases. Apple contains malic acid. This sourness is useful for the intestines, liver and brain. It contains phosphorous i.e., an irritating substance, by eating which the stomach is cleaned and the stomach gets confirmation. Phosphorus is the highest in apples, which is very beneficial for the tendons, nerves and brain. Apple and its juice are rich in vitamins and minerals. Cut small pieces of two apples and put half a kilo of boiling water on them. When the water cools down, filter it and drink it. If sweetness is required then add sugar candy. This is a nutritious and delicious apple sorbet. It quickly mixes with the blood and gives strength and energy to the heart, brain, liver and every cell of the body. Apple juice gives strength to the heart; it sharpens the eyesight, removes the toxic doshas of the body and blood, removes various diseases, and makes lean people strong. Those who want to remain strong, healthy and young, should consume good amount of apple juice regularly. There is also a proverb that “An apple a day, keeps the Doctor away”. That is, eating one apple daily does not require a doctor. It is good to eat apples on an empty stomach. It removes heat and dryness. Its marmalade removes weakness of the heart, blood and brain. If you eat apples on an empty stomach every morning and drink milk from above, then within a month or two, the colour of the skin will improve,
redness will appear on the face, all the weaknesses will be removed and energy will start running in life. This is a very good tonic. Its marmalade removes weakness of the heart, blood and brain. If you eat apples on an empty stomach every morning and drink milk from above, then within a month or two, the colour of the skin will improve, redness will appear on the face, all the weaknesses will be removed and energy will start running in life. This is a very good tonic. Eating two apples daily is beneficial in mental stress, skin diseases, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and diseases of the respiratory system. Apple is more beneficial if eaten on a hungry stomach before meals. If the amount of acid is found in the urine after examining the joint pain, then it is beneficial to eat apples. Eating an apple is beneficial in joint pain and arthritis. Boil apple, grind it and apply it to the painful area. If there are holes in the teeth, swelling of the gums, then after eating food, eat apples regularly. With this, the teeth and gums will be fine and will not get damaged. It is an invigorating fruit.

Scorpion bite-

Grind the apple like a chutney and apply it where the scorpion has bitten. And eat apples. Colds and colds always persist even because of a weak mind. Such patients do not get benefits from cold medicines. Such people should eat apples with peels before meals to cure a cold. It also removes the weakness of the brain.


cough and cold often occur in winter. Bronchitis is caused by a cold, cough. Eating two apples or pears can get rid of chronic bronchitis. Apples and pears contain anti-oxidant compounds called catechins, which help protect the lung cells from damage caused by free radicals; it is beneficial to eat apples, pears raw. The patient with chronic bronchitis must suffered with cough from long time for at least three months and keeps on spitting phlegm more and more. This fact has been expressed by the American Thoracic Society. Apple is beneficial for the lungs. Vitamin ‘C, ‘E’, and beta carotene, B fruits, apples and fruit juices are related to the functioning of the lungs as well. People who eat apples have more lung capacity than those who do not eat apples. So, eat an apple every day. Get rid of bronchitis and cough.

Cough- Taking a glass of ripe apple juice and mixing sugar candy in it, can cures chronic cough in the morning.

Dry cough-

1. As long as the cough persists, put black pepper and sugar candy on the apple and eat it. It will be beneficial in cough coming due to harshness in the throat and recurring cough.

1. Consuming ripe sweet apples regularly, is beneficial in dry cough. Apple juice is very beneficial.

Typhoid- Drinking apple juice is very beneficial in Typhoid
Heart weakness, heartburn is cured by taking the main intake of apple for 15-20 days. If you have high blood pressure, eating two apples regularly is beneficial. Eating apples in high blood pressure causes more and more frequent urination. Due to this, the salt of the body comes out. The kidneys get rest.

Memory enhancer-

Persons whose brain and nerves have become weak, students who do not remember, they should eat apples. Consumption of apple increases the power of nerves and memory power and benefits in fainting, mania, irritability. For this, chew one or two apples without blooming and eat them fifteen minutes before the meal.

Thirst- It is reduced by drinking apple juice mixed with water. For those who have air disorders, it will not be beneficial for them.


Stones often form even after being removed by operation. By drinking apple juice, the formation of stones stops and the formed stones are rubbed and comes out through urine. It purifies the kidneys and urinary bladder, removes kidney pain.

If you keep eating only apples for a few days, then the stones come out. If you feel more hungry then eat other vegetables and fruits. By eating multi-peeled apples, frequent urination is reduced at night.


Eating apples, again and again, can reduce going to urine Headache- Applying salt and black pepper on the apple and eating it for 20-25 days is beneficial in headaches. Chew one or two apples with salt and black pepper in the morning on a hungry stomach and eat it regularly. After this drink hot water or hot milk.


Eating apples, again and again, can reduce going to urine


1. If there is insomnia, eating apple marmalade causes sleepiness. Sleeping after eating an apple is also helpful in getting sleep.

2. Boil small pieces of an apple in two glasses of water. After cooling, mashing the apple, filtering the water and adding salt as per taste gives sleep.


Applying salt and black pepper on the apple and eating it for 20-25 days is beneficial in headaches. Chew one or two apples with salt and black pepper in the morning on a hungry stomach and eat it regularly. After this drink hot water or hot milk.

Diarrhea of children- When children are unable to digest milk, and diarrhea comes after drinking milk, then after stopping their milk, after some time, give apple juice and give relief in diarrhea. Apple juice is beneficial in chronic diarrhea. It is also beneficial in the squads of big people having torsion. Apple juice stops blood clots.

The apples in the squad should be unpeeled. Apple marmalade is also beneficial in diarrhea. Peel the apple and boil it in milk after taking half a cup of this milk every hour, it stops diarrhea, especially in summer.


Drinking apple juice mixed with salt according to taste stops vomiting. Vomiting of pregnancy- Boil half a teaspoon of apple seeds in two cups of water. Sieve a cup of water and drink it in the morning and evening. Vomiting during pregnancy will stop. Antioxidants are abundant in apple and cinnamon.

Boiled apple and cinnamon are beneficial for vomiting-diarrhea patients because they can kill bacteria called E-coli. If the cream is not mixed, then the patients will get instant relief.

Liver- Apple is beneficial in liver diseases. This gives strength to the liver. Gas- Apple juice gives a thin layer to the digestive organs so that they are protected from infection. Air production stops. There is no foul odour, infection in the rectum and lower intestines and foul smell.

Hot water should be drunk after drinking apple juice. If there is inflammation in the intestines, drinking apple juice provides relief.


Constipation is cured by eating an apple in the morning on a hungry stomach and in the evening after having food. Apple peel is also available. People with constipation should eat apples with peel, those with diarrhea should eat without the peel.


Two apples at night while sleeping for a few days, at least seven days, after eating the worms die and come out with the stool. Do not drink water overnight after eating an apple

The habit of alcohol-


Mix honey with apple juice and apply it to the face twice daily. This keeps the skin soft during the winter season. If you have oily skin, then you should grind an apple well and apply a thin layer of that pulp on the face. Wash off with warm water after ten minutes. Warts- By applying the juice of pitted apple on warts, small pieces of warts fall from the root.

By drinking apple juice repeatedly, eating one well-ripened apple thrice a day breaks the habit of drinking alcohol. Intoxication is removed by eating an apple during the time of intoxication. Its juice can also be drunk. Eating apple with food also breaks the habit of alcohol.

By eating three boiled apples thrice a day, one gets rid of alcohol addiction within a few days. Apple juice, its marmalade is beneficial in mental diseases, phlegm, cough, tuberculosis

Loss of appetite-

1. A glass of sour apple juice, mix sugar candy according to taste and drink it regularly for a few days, appetite will start feeling well.

2. Knead the dough in sour apple juice and make roti and eat it regularly
3. A glass of apple juice mixed with sugar candy gives a good appetite.
4. Eating apple on an empty stomach in the morning gives a good appetite. Try to take 300 grams of carbohydrates daily for good health. An apple contains 21 grams of protein.

Increase obesity-

Cut an apple and keep it in the moonlight or open overnight. Eat this for forty days in the morning, obesity will increase.

Quantity- Eat one to three apples at a time, and, as many as possible. Caution- Do not eat an apple if you have a sore throat. Do not eat stinging and rotten apples.

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MihirMihirMay 4, 2024
Plant Base


MihirMihirMay 4, 2024

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