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Dysentery– Grind roasted fennel and sugar candy in equal quantity and take it. Taking two spoons of aniseed with cold water is beneficial in colic, diarrhea and dysentery.

Gout– (1)- Putting 5 drops of fennel oil on half a teaspoon of sugar and taking it four times, a day stops gout.

(2) Roast 100 grams of fennel and grind it. Add the same amount of ground sugar to it. After eating, take two spoons of it with cold water in the morning and evening. Eyes will stop coming.

Diarrhea– (1) If by twisting, little stool comes, then take 3 grams raw and 3 grams roasted fennel mixed with sugar candy.

(2) Roast fennel half-ripe, half raw and grind it by mixing an equal quantity of sugar. Mix these two spoons and half spoon ghee and eat it four times a day. Squads will benefit. Mixing fennel and belgiri in equal quantity, taking it is also beneficial in diarrhea. Take 250 grams thick fennel and bake half, keep half raw. Grind both. Grind 250 grams of sugar candy in it and mix it. Taking2to2spoonsofthispowderwithwater thrice a day is beneficial in amoebiasis, loose stools, convulsions in diarrhea, colitis etc.

(3) Drink water after eating 2 spoons of aniseeds regularly. This will stop diarrhea after eating it.

Chronic diarrhea

(1) If diarrhea comes five, six times a day, then roast an equal quantity of fennel, cumin, and coriander. Grind an equal quantity of Soth and Belgiri together. Take one spoon of it three times with cold water or butter milk.

(2) In chronic diarrhea, eat one spoon of fennel daily before meals in the morning and evening. Taking this milk stops diarrhea.

When small children have diarrhea, put two spoons of fennel in milk and boil it. In small children with loose stools, in dysentery, boil 6 grams fennel, 82 grams in water, when the water remains half, then add one gram of black salt to it. Feeding 12 grams of water thrice a day to children is very beneficial.

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Ease teething-

If the child cries while teething, then boil thick fennel in cow’s milk, filter it and fill it in a bottle and give one spoon four times. With this, the teeth will come out easily. If children have dyspepsia, boil a

spoonful of fennel in a cup of water, filter it and drink this water again and again. aniseed with cold water is beneficial in colic, diarrhea and dysentery.

Flatulence of children

Soak a spoonful of fennel in half a cup of water at night. In the morning, mash the fennel and sieve it. Taking this water mixed with milk ends flatulence, gas and stomach ache in children.


(1) Eating a spoonful of fennel after a meal increases digestion and eyesight and urine comes freely. Grind fennel. At bedtime, mix half a teaspoon of fennel with one teaspoon of sugar and take it with milk. Eyesight will increase.

Itching- Grind an equal quantity of fennel and coriander. Keep it one and a half times and add double the sugar. Eating 303-0 grams in the morning and evening is beneficial in every type of itching. Grind equal quantities of powdered fennel and sugar candy and eat two spoons three times a day.

(2) After grinding 100 grams of fennel, take off the peel and grind it by mixing equal quantities of coriander, sugar candy and ten cardamoms. Take two spoons of it in the morning and evening with warm milk.

Eyesight will increase. With its regular consumption, the growth of cataracts stops.

In Cataract, by grinding equal quantities of thick fennel and coriander powder, taking 2 spoons with water twice daily stops the growth of cataracts

High in Antioxidants; High in Zinc;
High in Calcium; High in protein & Rich in Magnesium

Eye flu-

By eating fennel seeds or soaking some fennel in a cup of water at night and drinking its water in the morning, ‘eye flu’ gets cured quickly. A patient with ‘eye flu’ should not watch television for a few days or do such work which stresses the eyes

Redness of eyes-

Grind an equal quantity of fennel and dry gooseberry with water. After heating it and remaining tolerably hot, close the eyes and bake the eyelids and apply the paste at the end. This removes the redness of the eyes.

Summer Pimples

Grind four spoons of fennel seeds and an equal amount of sugar candy, dissolve it in water and drink it regularly. It is beneficial in summer pimples.

Plant Base


MihirMihirJune 4, 2024
Plant Base


MihirMihirApril 16, 2024

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