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Ghee gets digested late. So, eat in moderation. Put betel leaves in ghee and heat it. Then filter it. In the absence of cow’s ghee, use other ghee.
Identification of the purity of Ghee-
(1) If there is a suspicion of adulteration in the purity of the original Ghee, rub some Ghee on a dry spot. If after some time there is a layer of whiteness, then in such a condition that ghee will be fake.
(2) Take a little mustard oil in a glass bowl and put some desi ghee in it. If there is adulteration in that ghee, then it will be seen floating hanging in the middle of the oil and if the ghee is pure then it will sit on the bottom.

Black spots on the face-
Rubbing ghee on the face while sleeping at night removes the dark spots and bruises of the face.

Cracking of lips-
Mixing a little salt in ghee and applying it on the lips and navel in the morning and
night stops cracking of the lips. Applying milk cream on the face is also beneficial.
To increase eyesight, eat fresh cow ghee and sugar candy for three months. Eating ghee is also beneficial for the eyes.

Amla Pitta-
Massage of native ghee on both the soles regularly for ten minutes at night while sleeping, it is beneficial in acidity. The action becomes effective, eating three times a day. The bleeding from piles will stop.
After heating 50 grams of Ghee and drinking it once daily for three days, Bala’s disease is cured.

Put a spoonful of native ghee in a bowl and heat it. Put a cotton swab soaked in water, squeeze it. After burning all the water from the boil, heat it as much as it can bear and put a bandage on the wound. Keep tying the bandage-like this regularly. The wound will heal. Due to this, boils and pimple will also be cured.

Blisters (Stomatitis)-
Applying ghee on the ulcers at night is beneficial. Apply ghee on the ulcers caused by burns, the wounds caused by bursting blisters. Eat Ghee- Consumption of a lot of ghee is harmful to the heart. Eating ghee in small quantities is beneficial for the body. Ghee is rich in Vitamin ‘A’.To digest it, physical labour, exercise, and travelling should be done. Put two drops of lukewarm ghee in both the nostrils of the nose, throat and memory enhancer every night and draw it inside. Due to this, oxygen will continue to be available to the brain throughout the night. By this, we will be able to use more of our mental power.
If this action is done thrice a day – in the morning, afternoon and at night before going to bed for two months, then it works as an effective medicine in removing the obstruction in the flow of air and in curing
many chronic diseases. Through this, diseases like major glands, such as the third eye gland, mill coagulation, bleeding (hemorrhage) are prevented.
Cold, lubrication of cells through the antral gland and relieves dryness, swelling, infection (sinus infection) or nasal gland etc. by opening the airways and loosening the pharyngeal valve. When the fluid that stops the respiration goes away.
If the headache is decreasing with the sun, then massage the head with ghee in the morning and evening. Before sunrise in the morning, mix one spoon of ghee and sugar candy and eat it for 4 days. If the headache is due to heat, then it will stop.
For better memory, especially for children and students, put 2 drops of ghee on the navel, then a wet cloth bandage and a dry cloth bandage over it. Put the drops in the nose regularly at night while sleeping. Massaging Ghee on the head makes the hair black and thick.

Pain in half the head-
If the headache increases and decreases with the sun, then give ghee in the morning and evening and drip three drops in the nose. If the headache is due to heat, if it is cold and cloudy, then massage the head with hot ghee. Before sunrise in the morning, mix one spoon of ghee and sugar candy and eat it for 4 days.

By massaging ghee on the face for a few days, freckles, stains are removed. All the dirt comes out. Taking warm milk and ghee mixed with it makes diarrhea soft. It is beneficial constipation also.

At night, put 2-2 drops of lukewarm ghee in the nostrils of the nose and draw it inside, then put 2- 3 drops on the navel, then move the fingers clockwise and anticlockwise three times. Also, massage the soles of the feet with ghee, you will get a very good sleep.
You will experience peace and joy. The brain will release sleep- stimulating hormones and that much sleep is sufficient for normal functioning. There will be a cycle of four hours of sleep, 90 minutes of deep sleep and light sleep.
Mixing two spoons of ghee in the same amount of powdered sugar candy regularly, taking it with roti for two months removes the weakness caused by constipation and increases the power.

Heart patients and diabetic patients should eat after considering their diet. Massage of ghee is beneficial in numbness, fainting, joint pain, arthritis, burning, hair fall etc. Boyte (cramps) in hands, feet, calves, in whichever part of the body Boyette came, keeping the smallest finger (pinny) of the hand or feet on the same side and the finger (index finger) near the thumb keeping both hands or feet straight together.
Heart disease-
To avoid bypass surgery and to remove the blockage in heart disease or arteries, take Panchagavya with cow urine therapy and do the following treatment for 30-40 days. 20 grams of black urad peeled pulse at night. Soak it, then in the morning mix 20
grams of guggul and grind it like a chutney, then mix 20 grams of castor oil, then add 20 grams of fresh butter of indigenous cow, apply this paste well on the chest at night, tie a castor leaf on top. Keep it overnight. Clean it in the morning and then apply the paste and keep it for the whole day. Cholesterol in the arteries will be cleared in 30-40 days.
There is a gargle of cow’s ghee on the head, the diseases of the head are also removed. Put a drop of ghee in the nose. If there is a burning sensation in the soles, hands and feet, then it gets erased by rubbing ghee.
Burning in the feet-
Apply ghee or butter on the feet, it removes the burning.

Drink hot milk as much as you can, adding a spoonful of ghee to it. Hiccups will stop

Reducing Obesity-
Walking two kilometres by massaging ghee on the soles of the feet every morning will reduce obesity.

Increasing obesity-
By eating sugar and drinking, the body becomes fat. Lie down with the neck of the hemorrhaging patient bent back and in both, the nostrils of his nose Put five-five drops of desi ghee and tell the patient to draw it in with his breath. In this way, by smelling the ghee, the bleeding stops. Do this action for a week.

People who eat ghee regularly are protected from cancer. Linolenic fatty acid can prevent cancer, which is abundant in ghee. By drinking and eating ghee mixed in the pudding, it is beneficial in cancer. The body remains motionless.
During pregnancy, by eating ghee regularly, the fetus is fully nourished, delivery takes place easily. Consuming ghee after delivery removes the weakness.

Effect of poison-
One who has consumed poison, has been bitten by a snake or got the plague, give him half a pound of native ghee, four times with milk. This leads to vomiting, days. After four hours of drinking, there will be severe diarrhea.
In case of alcohol intoxication, drinking two spoons of ghee and the same amount of sugar, the intoxication goes away. When the navel is cooked, heat ghee and apply it to the navel. Sniffing ghee and keeping a handkerchief soaked in water on the head is beneficial in case of dryness in the nose and crusting of the nostrils.

Cough, sore throat-
Mixing one spoon of ghee, one spoon of sugar candy and 15 black peppers, licking it in the morning and evening, cures sore throat and dry cough, do not drink water for a few hours after licking it. Warming ghee, black pepper and eating them after cooling is also beneficial.

Cough- Boil 125 grams of milk by mixing one spoon of ghee and one cup of water. After boiling half of it, mix sugar candy according to taste and give this milk to the children four times a day. The cough will be fine. For chronic cough, heat native ghee and jaggery on fire, feed it when it melts. Massage on the chest by mixing. It cures chronic cough.
By eating butter, sugar candy in tuberculosis destroys tuberculosis and gives strength.

Blisters are caused by spider peeing. Applying ghee and salt to them is beneficial. In rheumatism, massage the affected area by mixing rock salt with ghee, it will get relief in swelling and pain. Applying ghee on the leaves of Ashvgandha or Datura leaves and tying it hot gives quick benefits.

By lighting a thick lamp of ghee in the room of a child suffering from pneumonia for twenty- four hours and keeping the child suffering from pneumonia in the same room, pneumonia is cured.

Especially in the case of runny and headache due to cold, etc., lukewarm some ghee. Apply lukewarm ghee to the finger and apply it in both the nostrils of the nose, add one drop of ghee and pull the ghee upwards. You will start getting relief immediately. Do this action after about 10 minutes, then
after an hour and keep doing it as needed, the cold gets cooked quickly and gets cured. Grind 50 grams sugar candy and 10 grams peepal and boil 250 grams of milk mixed with 250 grams of water, when the mixed water burns and only milk is left, then dissolve two spoons of ghee and four spoons of honey and then mix it in milk and beat it so much that the milk is dissolved. Keep sucking on it. Even if there are holes and wounds in the lungs, they will also be filled.

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MihirMihirJune 4, 2024
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