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Determination of purity- In cloves, the extracted cloves are mixed. If there are wrinkles in the clove, then it is the extracted clove. Good cloves do not have wrinkles.
Properties of Clove- It removes pain. Clove has medicinal properties. It gives excitement, removes cramps and stops flatulence. Improves digestion and enhances metabolism. Clove with antiseptic properties prevents rot, and removes infection. Cloves promote the flow of enzymes and speed up the digestion process. Clove has such an aroma that removes bad breath and prevents tooth decay. Therefore, cloves are put in the toothpaste. Clove oil- Clove oil contains components that stabilize blood circulation and keep the body temperature in check. Applying clove oil on the outer skin shows a stimulating effect on the skin. The skin turns red and produces heat.

(l) By applying the paste of cloves, the headache stops immediately. Its oil can also be applied.
(2) Grind five cloves and mix them in a cup of water and heat it. When half the water remains, filter it, and drink it after mixing sugar. Take it in the evening and at bedtime, cures headache.

(l) Grind five cloves and squeeze lemon in it and rub it on the teeth, it ends pain.
(2) Boil five cloves in a glass of water and gargle with it three times a day, it ends pain. Applying clove oil on the aching tooth is beneficial in case of toothache.

Dental disease-
Clove should be kept or clove oil should be applied in case of worm in the tooth. Toothache is cured by applying clove oil. If the tongue has been cut after eating betel leaves, then keeping a clove in the mouth cures the tongue.

By giving clove water in cholera, thirst and vomiting will reduce, the vomiting of the pregnant woman will stop by grinding two cloves and licking the pregnant woman with honey. If the pregnant woman has nausea, vomiting, dizziness, grind two cloves and two cardamoms with water and mix it with honey and lick it thrice daily.

Intensity of Thirst-
In case of thirst, put cloves in boiling water and drink. This reduces thirst.

Grinding two cloves after measles and taking it with honey cures measles.

Tuberculosis (TB)-Grind two cloves of garlic and mix two spoons of honey and four drops of clove oil in the cough of asthma, etc. Taking it at bedtime is beneficial.

(1)Grindfiveclovesandboilthemin a cup of water, after being slightly warm, mix two spoons of honey and make three parts of it and drink it three times a day. Due to this, the asthmatic phlegm will come out easily, it will relieve the cough.
(2) After roasting two cloves, grind and mix half a teaspoon of honey
and lick it. In this way, taking it three times daily is beneficial.
(3) Chewing two cloves raw and two almonds and eating them in the morning and evening prevents asthma.

Relaxation in breathing-
By keeping cloves in the mouth, the phlegm comes out easily and the foul smell of phlegm gets removed. It also removes the bad smell of mouth and breath.

Cough is cured by grinding cloves and pomegranate peels in equal quantity and licking it with a pinch of powdered honey thrice daily. Suck two cloves by roasting them on the pan. Chew it at the end. This will remove the swelling of the throat, give relief to the cough. It cures cough with phlegm (mucus). Due to
this, phlegm comes out easily in spitting.
(l) Baking three cloves, grinding it, and mixing it with warm milk, take it regularly at bedtime, it cures cough.
(2) By grinding equal quantities of cloves and pomegranate peels and mixing half spoon of honey and licking it thrice a day cures cough.

Whooping Cough– After roasting 2 cloves in a fire and mixing it with honey, licking ends cough.

Nausea– Grind 2 cloves and mix it in half a cup of water and drink it, it ends nausea. Nausea is also cured by chewing cloves.
(l) Grind four cloves and boil them in a cup of water. When half the water remains, after filtering and mixing sweetener according to taste, drink it and sleep on its side. Take four such doses in a day. Vomiting will
(2) Sucking two cloves after roasting stops vomiting.
(3) Grind two roasted cloves and mix them with honey, it stops vomiting. The anesthetic effect of clove numbs the stomach and throat and stops vomiting.

Pitta fever-
Grind four cloves and dissolve it in water and give it a drink of clove water in Typhoid, it reduces high fever. Boil five cloves in two kilograms of water and filter it after half the water remains. Drink this water regularly. Boil only water and drink it after cooling it.

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