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Lemon can be consumed in every season. It adjusts its properties according to the changing seasons and protects it from weather-related defects. The main function of lemon is to destroy the toxins of the body and remove them. It improves the taste of the mouth and creates interest in food. Purifies the blood and gives a new aura to the skin. By keeping lemon in salt, it remains fresh for many days. The lemon effect is alkaline. Do not put lemons in vegetables while cooking, add them in cooked vegetables. Even though lemon contains citric acid, it does not have any side effects on the stomach. Lemon produces alkali in the stomach which is essential for good health. The phosphorus found in lemon helps in the growth of new fibers in the body. The potassium salt itself protects those fibers from being alkaline and prevents the increase of acidity in the blood. Drink lemon shikanji in large quantities during fasting or fasting days, lemon removes all the disorders of the stomach through urine. Due to the accumulation of foreign matter and poison in the body when a person becomes ill, squeezing a lemon in a glass of water in the morning, adding a spoonful of ginger juice and drinking it regularly the body remains pure and healthy.

Strengthening (Tonic) –

  • Squeezing a lemon in a glass of boiling water and drinking it, new energy starts to be experienced in every part of the body. The eyesight becomes brighter. Mental weakness, headache, tremors in the buttocks stop. Too much work does not cause tiredness. It should be drunk in small hours without adding sugar and salt. If you want, you can add two spoonful of honey. Excess consumption of sugar and salt is harmful to health and leads to long term incurable diseases. After fasting for a long, food is not given, but by mixing lemon juice in
    water and drinking it again and again, the contaminants are removed from the patient’s body and diseases are cured.
  • Soak 40 grams of Raisin, 6 Munakka, 6 almonds, and 6 pistachios in half a kg of water overnight in a glass vessel. In the morning after filtering this water, squeeze a lemon and drink it on an empty stomach. It removes mental and physical weakness, fatigue. It is beneficial for the power of senses.
  • Drink a cup of boiled water on a hot pot with a pinch of rock salt, a pinch of black salt, a teaspoon of sugar, ten drops of lemon juice, roasted- four teaspoons of cumin seeds mixed. This drink is very tasty, improves digestion and physical strength. It is better if you drink it instead of tea. These ingredients can be increased or decreased according to the taste and according to the diet. This drink can also be taken in case of illness. Drink it daily for three times.
  • Take out three dry dates and cut them into pieces. In a glass of water, put the juice of the dates keep 15 raisins and one lemon on the terrace, open at night. After brushing in the morning, drink water and eat dates, raisins and consume it continuously for four months. Your face will glow.

Sorbet- Mix 1 kg sugar, 350 ml water, juice of 2 lemons, boils it and filters it with a cloth. Cool and fill in a glass bottle. This syrup does not spoil throughout the year. Use it as a sherbet.
Madness- Drythepeelofalemonintheshadeandgrindit.Aftersoaking half a spoon in a glass of water at night, filtering the water in the morning, mixing sugar candy according to taste and drinking it daily, it cures insanity and confusion.Vitamin ‘A’ from lemon cures eyes disorders, vitamin ‘B’ improves digestion and vitamin ‘C’ cures blood disorders. Squeezing lemon in water and drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning is more beneficial.
Vitamin ‘C’- To get health and strength, to avoid various diseases. Lemon juice is a storehouse of vitamin ‘C’. Decreased vitamin ‘C’ in the body also causes scurvy, anemia, bone joints, bleeding, dental diseases, pyorrhea, whooping cough, asthma. Other diseases caused by the consumption of lemon, and consumption of sulfa drugs, vitamin ‘C’ is found abundance in all fruits of the orange family, such as lemon, grapefruit, and orange. Apart from this, Amla is also another source of Vitamin ‘C’. But the vitamin ‘C’ of amla combines with many
other compounds to form a strong chemical, due to which the body gets the benefit of vitamin ‘C’ of amla only after its long-term consumption.In contrast, in all the fruits of the orange family, that is, due to ascorbic acid. They found vitamin ‘C’ is very easily assimilated in the body and provides immediate benefits. The special importance of lemon vitamin ‘C’ is found in it.Lemon is a very essential life element for the healthy development of the body. This vitamin, along with many other vitamins, plays a very important role in keeping the body healthy. Along with this, Vitamin ‘C’ is very essential in keeping the skin healthy and also in providing immunity to body in adverse conditions. This vitamin is not stored in the body, so for its fulfillment, the body must get some amount of vitamin ‘C’ every day. The main property of vitamin ‘C’ is to develop immunity on the body. Due to the abundance of vitamin ‘C’ found in lemon juice, lemon is given great importance as a natural energy-boosting fruit. An adequate amount of vitamin ‘C’ is available to the body by using one lemon with food every day.
Blood disorders are cured by filling a glass of boiling water and squeezing two lemons in it and drinking it regularly in the morning for a month.


  1. For those who have a lack of blood in their body, the amount falls day by day, the consumption of lemon and tomato benefits them.
  2. Lemon juice should be mixed with a glass of water and mixed with salt according to taste. Due to this, the defects related to anemia in the body are
    removed. Keep it in an open place at night. Eat soaked raisins in the morning and drink this water. In this way, by eating raisins soaked in lemon water, the blood increases, which is beneficial in the diseases of blood deficiency.
  3. Cut the radish and ear it by adding pieces if ginger and lemon. This removes the lack of blood.

Nails do not grow-

  1. If your nails do not grow, then squeeze lemon in hot water and keep fingers in it for five minutes, then immediately keep hands in cold water. This will make the nails grow.
  2. By applying lemon juice to the nails, they remain very strong and beautiful. Wash the fingers and dry them by rubbing lemon on their forearms.
  3. If the skin near the nails is cooked, then grind lemon-green leaves and salt and apply. After applying for 15 days, you will see that the skin of the nails has stopped growing old.

Increasing age
if a little lemon is consumed regularly, then the age increases. Excessive consumption of lemon is harmful.

Diseases of the digestive system-
if your digestive organs do not work, food is not digested, due to gas in the stomach, there is a burden on the heart, the stomach becomes bloated, cannot sleep at night, food is not digested properly. Take a glass of warm water, mix the juice of one lemon in it and drink it, again and again, it washes the digestive organs and the body. Blood and all the toxic substances of the body are removed through the urine. You will get new energy in the body in very few days.


  1. 12 grams of lemon juice, 6 grams of ginger juice and 6 grams of syllables after drinking it, it cures stomachache.
  2. Sucking a lemon slice filled with black salt, black pepper and a little hot, ends stomachache. Worms are destroyed.
  3. Squeeze lemon in a cup of hot water if you have stomach pain due to indigestion, acidity, overeating etc. Drink a spoonful of sugar, a little salt, grind it and mix it. Stomach pain will disappear soon.
  4. Put 50 grams of mint chutney in a thin cloth and squeeze out the juice and squeeze half a lemon into it. Mix two spoons of honey, four spoons of water and drink, it ends acute stomachache.
  5. Mix half a cup of water, ten ground black pepper, One spoon of ginger juice, half lemon juice and drink it, it ends stomachache. Add sugar or honey to taste if desired.
  6. Taking one lemon mixed with black salt, black pepper, quarter teaspoon dry ginger, half a glass of water, end stomachache.
  7. Dry carom seeds, rock salt soaked in lemon juice and drink water after chewing a spoonful of stomach pain. Take in this way every hour, as long as there is pain. Squeezing lemon after taking half spoon of salt, cumin, sugar, carom seeds, grinding it and making chutney ends stomachache.
  8. If there is stomach pain due to worms if there are worms in the stomach, then for seven days regularly suck cumin, black pepper, black salt filled with ground cumin seeds, black pepper and black salt.
  9. Putting salt, lemon and black pepper on radish, eat it, it ends stomachache due to indigestion.
  10. Drink roasted cumin, ground carom seeds, lemon and sugar in a cup of hot water according to taste, 4 times a day.
  11. If the patient has stomach pain after eating, squeeze half a lemon in half a cup of radish juice and drink it twice a day, it cures stomach pain.
  12. Mix sugar, cumin, salt, black pepper, a cup of hot water, lemon and drink it three times a day.
  13. By drinking lemon water, again and again, stomach ache, air ball pain is cured.

Loss of appetite, indigestion โ€“

  • Taking half a lemon, a spoonful of ginger juice, salt according to taste in a glass of water before meals are beneficial.
  • Taking lemon, roasted cumin, black salt and ginger and making chutney of all makes one’s appetite good. Hunger ยกs often less in the rain, at that time, drinking this is more beneficial, one feels good appetite.
  • Eat lemon and ginger chutney. Coriander leaves can also be added according to the season.
  • Squeezing a lemon in a glass of water half an hour before the meal, we feel more hunger.

Loss of appetite, Sour burps-

  1. Squeeze a lemon in half a glass of water and mix sugar and drink it regularly.
  2. Drink a spoonful of ginger juice, lemon, rock salt mixed with a glass of water.
  3. Squeeze lemon in hot water and drink it.

Consumption of lemon and ginger, increase appetite, they do not die even if they dry up.
If you feel more thirsty, then squeeze lemon in water and drink it, thirst is reduced.

Spitting again and again- Add ginger, lemon juice andeat it regularly while eating food. Repeated spitting will stop.


  1. Taking the juice of one lemon with a glass of warm water at night brings open diarrhea.
  2. Drink hot water and lemon in the morning on a hungry stomach. Squeeze a lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and apply an enema, the stomach will be clean. Worms will also come out.
  3. Mix one lemon, two spoons of castor oil in a glass of warm water and drink it at night.
  4. Chew a spoonful of fennel, 5 black peppers, then mix a glass of hot water, one lemon, black salt and drink it daily at night.
  5. Eat guava in the morning with salt, black pepper, lemon and eat it daily.
  6. Constipation is cured by drinking lemon water on a hungry stomach in the morning and lemon juice at bedtime. Chronic constipation also goes away by drinking it for a long time.
  7. Cut a good big lemon and keep it on the terrace or in the open at night, add sugar according to taste in a glass of water in the morning, squeeze that lemon, mix a little black salt well and drink it regularly, it ends constipation.
  8. Squeeze a lemon in a glass of warm water, add one-fourth teaspoon of salt and drink it at night, it ends constipation.

Removing the navel, cut the lemon and remove the seeds. Suck it after filling half a spoonful of roasted honey (it is available from grocers), heating it slightly, the skipped navel will come in its place.
Diarrhea –
1) Squeezing lemon in milk is beneficial. If there are convulsions in diarrhea, if there is vomiting, then use lemon. Drink the juice of one lemon mixed with a cup of water. Similarly, take it five times a day. This stops diarrhea.
2) Mixing a drop of lemon juice, a spoonful of water, a little salt and sugar, drinking it five times a day stops diarrhea.
3) Apply opium equal to the grain of millet on half of a lemon and adopt it, then suck it after heating it a little. Suck in this way every four hours. Diarrhea, dysentery will stop.
4) Squeeze one-fourth of lemon in a cup of cold water and mix salt and sugar according to taste and drink it every two hours, it stops diarrhea.
5) If diarrhea is frequent, little by little, mix one spoon of onion juice and the juice of half a lemon in a quarter cup of cold water and give it to patient in every three hours.

Cholera and disease infection is reduced by eating lemon pickle during cholera. Consuming lemon regularly prevents cholera. Bile is quenched, after heating lemon and applying sugar, sucking is beneficial in nausea and cholera. Drinking lemon juice, onion juice, sugar and water mixture is beneficial in cholera. Mixing one part lemon juice, one-part green mint and onion juice mixed in half are beneficial. Lemon prevents hay. When cholera is spreading, if someone has got cholera, then people coming in contact should consume more and more lemon. Suck lemon, eat lemon pickle. Drink lemon water after meals. Cholera will be avoided. The germs of cholera are destroyed by the consumption of sour things. In case of cholera, mix four spoons of rose water, a little lemon and sugar candy and drink it every two hours. There will be a benefit in cholera. Cholera germs are destroyed by the consumption of acidic (sour) substances. Drink lemon juice, onion juice and honey mixed with one spoon each. It cures cholera.

Cut the lemon in the middle and add opium equal to moong in it, tie it with a thread and hang it on the flame and suck it regularly for three days. Mixing 6 grams of lemon juice in half a glass of water provides relief.

Taking one spoon lemon juice and one spoon ground carom seeds mixed in a glass of warm water ends acidity and stomach ache.

Dysentery โ€“
1) Squeezing half a lemon in half a glass of fresh water and drinking it thrice a day is beneficial in dysentery. Squeezing lemon in milk and drinking it is also beneficial.
2) In an earthen pot (Shikora) drink 250 grams of milk, sugar according to taste, squeeze half a lemon and drink it. Due to this, there will be slight burning in the stomach and bloody diarrhea will stop.
3) Drinking lemon water thrice a day is beneficial in case of amoebiasis. By taking it continuously, it stops coming very clean.

Stomach knot-
1) Drink a glass of mixed juice of carrot and beet twice daily for one to two months. Drink a glass of beet juice mixed with half a lemon, two spoons of honey. There is a knot in the stomach or anywhere, it will melt.

Drink hot water mixed with salt and lemon juice. Drink again after vomiting. Keep drinking until the vomiting continues. The stomach will be cleaned. The patient will be fine.

Lemon should be consumed as soon as nausea starts. It does not cause vomiting. Sucking both sugar and black pepper in lemon also stops vomiting. Lemon should not be heated in vomiting. Mix one spoon of lemon juice, one spoon of water and one spoon of glucose and take it for one hour. Vomiting will stop.

1) Mix 15 drops of lemon juice, roasted-ground cumin, small ground cardamom in half a cup of water and drink it after every half an hour. Vomiting will stop.
2) After drying the lemon peels, make ashes by burning them. quarter teaspoon ash mixed with half teaspoon honey. Licking stops vomiting.
3) Grind two small cardamoms and fill them in a bunch of lemons and suck them, it stops vomiting.
4) Squeeze half a lemon in a quarter cup of water and mix it. Drink one spoon of it after every fifteen minutes. Vomiting will stop.
5) Make chutney by squeezing half a lemon on rock salt, green coriander. Keep licking half a spoon again and again till there is vomiting.
6) Lick lemon, onion, mint chutney again and again.
7) Suck in a lemon slice filled with sugar candy.
8) As soon as you feel nauseous when you feel the urge to vomit, suck the lemon with black salt, black pepper in it. There will be no vomiting.
9) If there is vomiting in travel (water, land, sky, all), then keep on sucking a lemon.
10) If the baby vomits after drinking milk, then after some time feeding three drops of lemon juice in a spoonful of water. Mix and drink.
11) If the vomiting continues continuously, even after giving medicine, grind eight lemon seeds and dissolve them in three spoons of water, filter them and give them three times with an interval of half an hour, the vomiting will stop. If vomiting stops, do not drink further.

Vomiting of pregnancy-
1) Grind 100 grams of raw cumin, 30 grams of rock salt and soak them in lemon juice, keep them immersed in the juice, let them soak and stir with a steel spoon once daily. Chew half a teaspoon thrice a day when it becomes dry. Vomiting during pregnancy will stop.
2) Squeezing lemon in boiled water and drinking it, is beneficial in vomiting of pregnancy.

Vomiting of infants-
Feed five drops of lemon juice mixed with three spoons of water, the baby will not regurgitate milk.

1) If worms have arisen in the stomach, make a powder by grinding the seeds of lemon and taking it with water. This will destroy the worms of the stomach. One to three grams for adults, one-fourth for children, drink lemon water on a hungry stomach.
2) Lemon and honey mixed with water and drinking it regularly for 15 days destroy worms.

1) Lemon is the destroyer of acid. Acidity is destroyed by drinking lemon juice in hot water in the evening.
Quantity – Take one cup of warm water, one spoonful of lemon juice thrice an hour.
2). After having a meal, mix half a lemon, a little baking soda in a cup of water and drink twice a day.
3) Squeezing 15 lemons in two cups of boiled water and drinking it twice a day provides relief in nervousness and a burning sensation in sleep.
4) Drink sweet lemon juice half an hour before meal in the afternoon for two months. Do not drink after eating.
5) Acute acidity I.e. chronic patients of acidity should drink fresh lemon squeezed in water.
6) Licking one spoon juice of a lemon mixed with two spoons of honey is beneficial in acidity. Ascorbic acid is found in lemon, but it reduces the concentration of sodium salts in the body, due to which the acid of the salt produced in the human intestine, i.e. hydrochloric acid, remains calm and the acidity gradually decreases. The potassium found in lemon destroys the acid-poison.

Hiccups –
1) Lemon juice, honey, one teaspoon each, black salt according to taste mixing licking stops hiccups.
2) The juice of one lemon, one cup of hot water mixed with a little black salt and one spoon of honey stops hiccups.
3) After chewing the green leaves from the lemon tree, suck the juice. Hiccups stop.
4) Squeezing lemon in hot water and taking sips by sips stops hiccups.
5) Take a small quantity of lemon, dry ginger, black pepper, ginger and lick it after making chutney.
6) Suck the lemon with salt again and again.

1) Filter lemon juice with a clean fine cloth and mix equal quantity of olive oil in it and keep it in the anus at night with two grams of glycerin syringe, burning of piles, pain away. It happens, the warts become smaller. The toilet starts coming without any pain.
2) If there is severe pain in piles, then mix the juice of one lemon and the same amount of water and put it in the anus with a glycerin syringe and take it out, it will be beneficial in pain. In case of severe pain in piles, bleeding, keep fast and drink lemon in freshwater.
3) Fill four cups separately with cow milk. Squeeze half a lemon and drink it respectively. All types of piles will be destroyed by taking them for a week.
4) If there are bleeding piles, add the juice of half a lemon in hot milk and give it immediately after every 3 hours.
5) Cut lemon and fill the ground catechu in both pieces. Then keep both the pieces in the dew at night. Suck both the pieces in the morning, it will stop bleeding.
6) If there is blood in piles, then sucking by filling rock salt in the cleavage of lemon stops bleeding. Lemon is beneficial in all kinds of liver diseases. Take more and more lemon in everything like lentils, vegetables and vegetables. Mix lemon, water and 10 black pepper and drink it regularly. Liver diseases will be cured.

Yellow Fever-
Mixing lemon in pale water and giving it to the patient of yellow fever, the patient gets cured soon. Do not add sweeteners to it.

Jaundice at bedtime-
1) Mixing the juice of radish with leaves, sugar and lemon juice according to taste in a cup, drinking it twice a day on a hungry stomach in the morning and at night, cures jaundice.
2) Put in lemon juice. Add salt, pepper as per taste. Consuming this onion a little, twice daily, is beneficial in jaundice.

Lemon Sorbet-
Lemon juice is made by mixing heated lemon and sugar in boiled water. It is beneficial in digestive, nausea and vomiting, malaria and gall fever.

1) Liver disturbances, stomach gas causes dizziness, then squeeze lemon in hot water and drink, it is beneficial Quantity – one cup warm water, lemon juice and one and a half teaspoon
2) By drinking sweet shikanji, the dizziness that comes while getting up and sitting gets cured.
3) Squeeze half a lemon in a cup of hot water and drink it three times a day, it provides relief in dizziness. If there is snoring in sleep, then licking dried lemon leaves, grinding it with half a spoon and one spoon of honey at bedtime will be beneficial.

Drinking a glass of lemon, honey, and water at the time of sleeping helps in deep sleep.

1) Grinding lemon peels and applying them to the head is beneficial in headaches.
2) Mix half a teaspoon of ginger juice, half a teaspoon of lemon juice, a quarter teaspoon of rock salt and dry it after heating it slightly. By sneezing, phlegm, water comes out and headache is cured. It is more beneficial in headaches due to cold, half-headache (cystitis) (sinusitis).
3) Putting three drops of lemon juice in the nostril opposite to the side where there is a headache i.e.,( in the right nostril if there is a headache on the left), half the headache (hemicrania) which increases with the sun, gets cured.
4) Drink lemon juice in coffee. Do not add milk.
5) Rub a lemon slice on the head after heating it, rub it again after 15
minutes of rubbing once. By applying this way, the headache gets cured soon. After rubbing lemon juice, do not let the head to face air.

Heat Exhaustion-
Using lemon, the headache caused by heat is quickly cured, in case of a cold, headache, it is beneficial to drink by squeezing lemon in tea; take the measure. This will cure headaches forever. Sniffing dried lemon leaves and drinking tea every morning will give miraculous benefits.

Jitters in the Heart-
Squeezing lemon in cold water and drinking it in case of heart palpitations, burning sensation in the chest is beneficial. Squeezing lemon in a spoonful of warm water, adding sugar to it, stuttering, and rinsing with a spoonful of warm water in the morning and evening. Mix it in with ghee and lick it twice.

1) Fever, during which the patient feels thirsty again and again, then squeeze lemon in boiling water and drink it, the temperature of fever falls. Quantity – One cup of water, lemon juice.
2) Cut two blueberries in 250 grams of water. When the water becomes half, take it off and filter it. Mix two grams of rock salt in it and drink it. This is a
dose. Take this three times a day. Don’t eat. Doing this type of fever for two to three days goes away.
3) Squeezing lemon in water and drinking it, again and again, reduces thirst.
4) In fever there is more thirst, dry mouthand restlessness. As a result, The salivary glands stop making saliva, due to which the heat increases and furher resuls in increament of dryness of the mouth. Therefore, drink water by adding lemon, salt, black pepper. Lemon can also be sucked by filling salt, black pepper.

In malaria, the heat of fever is removed by sucking salt, black pepper in lemon and after heating it. Mix the juice of two lemons with lemon peels in 500 grams of water and boil it in earthen pots at night and keep it halfway. Malaria stops by drinking it in the morning. After squeezing lemon in water and adding sugar according to taste, drinking it stops malaria in 4 days. If vomiting starts in malaria, then fill salt in lemon, and suck it after mixing lemon and sugarcane juice and it will stop vomiting

Lemon is a natural medicine for malaria. Consumption of lemon in any form is beneficial in malaria. Drinking lemon in place of milk in tea is beneficial in malaria. Eat lemon squeezed on green chilies while eating, before malaria comes, after filling salt in lemon, suck or drink lemon juice. Grind an equal quantity of roasted alum, black pepper, rock salt and fill one-fourth spoon of this powder on a slice of lemon, after heating it, sucking it after half an hour before the onset of fever, malaria fever will not come for two, three days. Use it.

Flu, various parts of the body and broken bones, nausea, cold and flu can prevent these diseases by drinking lemon juice in hot water. In the case of this disease, it should be drunk again and again. Honey can also be mixed in water. Sucking is beneficial.

Cough, shortness of breath and fever-
By heating lemon, salt, black pepper and sugar and sucking it is beneficial.

Syphilis- The identification of syphilis by knowing whether the male or female has syphilis, understanding that it is syphilis. For this, apply lemon juice to any part of his body.


  1. If the cold is frequent, then massage mustard oil on the feet while sleeping at night. Squeeze a lemon in a glass of hot water and drink it hot for a month.
  2. When a cold has occurred, wash a whole lemon and boil it in a glass of water. When the lemon boil, cut the lemons out and fill this hot water in a glass and squeeze the lemons. Mix one spoon of ginger juice, two spoons of honey and drink it. If there
    is a cold, it will be cured.
  3. Boil two spoons of cinnamon in a glass of water. After boiling half the water, filter the water and squeeze half a lemon into it and drink it hot. It will be beneficial in fever, flu, cold, shortness of breath, fever (sinusitis). Keep drinking this drink twice a day till you get better.
  4. Squeezing lemon in lukewarm water and drinking it cures cold. Gargle with lemon water in the morning and evening. Due to this, the phlegm accumulated in the throat will also come out, if there is severe cold, then boiling a glass. One lemon mixed with honey in warm water and drink at night while sleeping
  5. Wrap a lemon in a thick cloth and apply earth on top and bake it in slow fire. After roasting, take out the lemon after cutting it and take it hot and take it hot, the cold will be cured soon.

Stomach ache, headache and cold- Drink tea after squeezing lemon in place of milk. Drink this three times daily till the pain persists, grind lemon peels and apply them on the painful area. If there is sore throat, redness or swelling in the throat, then after squeezing lemon in freshwater or hot water, adding salt and doing three gargles is beneficial.

Hemorrhage (Epistaxis)-

  1. Putting four drops of lemon juice in the nostril from which blood is coming, stops bleeding immediately.
  2. Squeezing lemon on radish and eating it regularly, it stops bleeding again and again.
  3. Putting four drops of juice of any one of Amla, Grapes, Sugarcane, Lime in the nose stops nosebleeds.
  4. Dissolving sugar candy in water and putting three drops in the nose stops bleeding from the nose. Licking lemon juice mixed with honey stops shortness of breath in children.


  1. Mixing a lemon, salt, a loaf of lukewarm water, drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning reduces obesity. Take this continuously for a couple of months. It is more useful in the summer season. It is better if you add honey too. After this, whenever you feel thirsty during the day, drink lemon honey mixed with water. If honey is mixed then do not add salt (2 to 3 months, drinking lemon water on a hungry stomach in the morning and evening reduces obesity.
  2. Boil 125 grams of water when it remains lukewarm, then drink three spoons of lemon juice and honey mixed together. Fat will be reduced. Drink this hungry stomach for two months. Eat food once, do exercise, do yoga, pranayama regularly. Eat bran bread, green vegetables. Eat fruit in the evening. Drink as much hot water as possible immediately after the meal, drink it for two months.

Consuming lemon while travelling does not cause nausea and the journey remains pleasant.

Consumption of lemon is beneficial for those who climb high mountains, drink lemon water and climb the hill, walk, start the journey, keep drinking lemon water while climbing. Drink lemon water when there is a shortage of vitality, difficulty in breathing. Drink lemon water sweet, faint, salty according to desire and taste.

Strengthening of teeth-
Gargle with warm lemon water every morning.
Do not eat anything until stomach is sucked on a hungry stomach. Teeth will remain strong and there will also be a benefit in toothache. If it is in the gums, squeeze a lemon slice and squeeze out half the juice and rub it on the gums. Bleeding from gums will stop.

Cleaning and yellowing of teeth-

  1. Rub the teeth by adding four drops of mustard oil, a little salt and turmeric on the half- squeezed face of lemon. It removes the yellowness of the teeth and cleans the teeth.
  2. Dry the lemon peel and grind it. Mix a little baking soda and salt in it and rub it. The teeth will start shining, will be clean. Common dental diseases will be cured.
  3. By dipping the brush in lemon juice and brushing, the teeth start shining. Rub the teeth with lemon juice.
  4. Dry the peel of lemon in the sun and grind it and use it as a paste. This will clean the teeth and remove bad breath. By regularly brushing with salt, mustard oil and lemon juice, teeth become strong, almost all diseases are eradicated. Cleaning the teeth with small pieces of squeezed lemon makes the teeth shine.
  5. Dry the lemon peel and grind it. Add one part of the peeled weight to the ground alum. Brushing with this regularly makes the teeth shiny. The gums get strengthened.


  1. Grind three cloves in lemon juice. If there is a hole in the tooth, take it in a cotton swab and fill it in the tooth, otherwise rub the teeth with it, the pain will go away.
  2. Make four pieces of lemon, put salt on them and heat them one after the other and keep one piece on the sore teeth. In this way press the four pieces one after the other, it will be beneficial in toothache.

Tooth diseases-
Squeezing lemon in fresh water and gargling it provides relief in dental diseases. The swelling of the gums, the bad odour of the mouth is removed. Rubbing teeth with squeezed lemon makes teeth clean, beautiful and shiny. Vitamin ‘C’, ‘A’ and ‘D found in lemon together with ‘A’ and ‘D’ help in the healthy development of bones and teeth in children. By rubbing lemon juice and honey on the gums, lemon is beneficial for heart patients. It closes and the teeth become strong.

Sweat in feet-
Mix the juice of one lemon in two glasses of warm water and rub a slice of lemon in itchy genitals. There will be slight burning, tingling, but the itching will subside. Apply lemon juice on the scrotum, genitals.


  1. Suck lemon and mix lemon juice in coconut oil for massaging. It is beneficial in itching. If there is a rash in itching, then mix an equal quantity of lemon juice and coconut oil and heat it so much that the juice burns, then rub it thrice daily in the itchy area, it will disappear. Heat lemon juice in coconut oil and apply alum filled with lemon and rub it on the itchy area.
  2. Squeezing lemon in hot water and taking bath, ends itching.
  3. Before bathing, rub the itchy area by filling the ground alum in the lemon slice. Take a bath after ten minutes. There will be benefits in itching. To make the body soft, mix two spoons of flour, four spoons of milk, a pinch of turmeric and the juice of one lemon, and rub it on the body before taking a bath, take a bath after ten minutes. Do not apply soap. This will increase the softness of the body
    Lemon should not be applied to the dryness of the skin, it makes the skin even drier, rubbing lemon on oily skin removes the oil.

Blood purifier, skin diseases-
Drink lemon water daily in the morning and evening and take bath after rubbing lemon on the skin diseases would benefit. Grind two bitter gourds and squeeze their pulp in a thin cloth, extract the juice and squeeze half a lemon into it, add three spoons of water and drink it.

Blood purification- Lemon purifies the blood. Squeeze lemon in hot water and drink it thrice a day. The water should be hot like tea. Most of the blood- related defects arise due to digestive disturbances.
Constipation is completely destroyed by drinking lemon squeezed in hot water every day. Due to the regular work of the digestive system of the body, food is easily digested and blood increases.
If there is dryness in hands, fingers, palms are rough, skin is rough, cracked,then mix lemon juice and sugar 1-1 spoon and rub it in hands, rub them together. This will remove the heat of the skin, the skin will become soft, the itching will not go away.
In case of pimple, stomach upset, taking mixed pickles of ginger, lemon, rock salt regularly in the morning and evening is beneficial.

Skin diseases-
Lemon cleans the skin. Applying lemon juice or squeezing lemon in water, bathing is beneficial for all skin diseases. Squeeze two lemons in water in the morning and drink them regularly, skin diseases are cured. Pimples from the ear also get cured. Do not eat jaggery, sugar, pulses in this experiment.

Sun Burn-

  1. If the colour is black from the sun, then after squeezing the base in raw milk, apply it on the face, hands and feet, rub it. It will be beneficial.
  2. Applying lemon and buttermilk together makes the face glow. If there are wrinkles on the face, mix half a teaspoon and lemon juice in two spoons of glycerin and apply it to the face at night. In the summer season, the body gets heated.

Drinking lemon water thrice a day cures acne and does not come out again. Apply lemon juice on the elbows as well.
Cotton, Woolen, Silken, Terrain, any kind of cloth, by applying lemon juice, stains are removed, the stains of brass utensils are also removed. The smell of sweat is removed by rubbing the leaves with the deodorant of sweat. If you experience foul-smelling sweat, especially under armpits, where most of the sweating occurs, grind lemon leaves and rub them, the odour will not come.

Toxic Bite-
If a mosquito bite causes severe pain, apply lemon juice to it. Mixing its juice with salt and applying it on the bitten place of a scorpion, spider, burr and bee provide relief. Lemon should be applied on bedbugs and flea bites.

Blood pressure and weakness of the heart-
Lemon has special properties to remove the weakness of the heart. With its continuous use, the blood vessels get suppleness and softness and their hardness goes away. Therefore, lemon is useful in curing diseases like high blood pressure. Due to this, the heart remains strong till old age and there is no fear of heart attack. Whatever be the blood pressure, squeeze lemon in water and drink it several times a day, it is beneficial.
It is beneficial to drink the juice of one lemon mixed with warm water in the morning. Stay hopeful there will be profit. Heart disease and high blood pressure patients keep drinking lemon water thrice a day, heavy bleeding after blood comes from lungs, stomach, kidney, uterus and bladder, drinking lemon juice mixed with cold water thrice a day provides relief.

Back pain-
Mix half a teaspoon of garlic juice and juice of one lemon in a quarter cup of water and drink it twice daily. This drink is beneficial in back pain. Apply it on the area of back pain. Mixing lemon juice and ginger juice (1-1 tsp) in equal quantity, heating it, filling lemon and ginger juice in a glass bottle and keeping it in the fridge does not spoil.

Uric acid-
The destruction of uric acid, which causes the disease, is done with lemon, the excessive heartbeat becomes normal. lower down high blood pressure. The heartbeat of the patient’s blood vessels, lemon calms the stimulation of the senses. To destroy uric acid, drink a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of one lemon and half a teaspoon of ginger in the morning on a hungry stomach. All the poisons in the body will come out through urine. The body will start glowing like a pearl. In rheumatism, arthritis, joint pain, drink a lemon squeezed in a glass of water every morning. Rub a lemon slice on the painful area and take a bath.

Knee pain-
Old people are often unhappy with knee pain. It is so painful for them to get up and walk. Medicines do not give the expected benefit in this pain. So, for this do exercises related to knees, and after mixing lemon, carrot, cucumber, beetroot all according to taste, take out the juice and drink one glass twice daily, it will be beneficial in knee pain.

By rubbing lemon juice on the joints, joint pain and swelling can heal. Lemon juice reduces the excess acidity (sourness) of the stomach, intestines and blood, which cures joint pain, nerve pain, excessive weakness etc. Even though lemon is sour, its nature is alkaline (saline) and to remove acidity, gout, squeeze lemon in a glass of water and drink it regularly in the morning

Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and mix rock salt and drink it regularly in the morning and evening for a month, the stones melt away. You can also suck it by filling salt in lemon. Lemon contains potassium citrate which prevents stone formation.

Stone pain-
Make a chutney by grinding half a lemon on sixty grape leaves. Taking two spoons of it thrice every two hours will end the pain caused by stones.Diseases of the rainy season- In the rainy season, the use of lemon is very beneficial in diseases of the stomach like cholera, diarrhea, gastroenteritis and jaundice etc. Apart from this, the fresh juice of lemon removes the toxicity coming in the liver cells and liver- related diseases. puts away. Fever, boils and pimples are very common in the rain; the consumption of lemon is beneficial in them. Mix lemon in hot Water and drink it regularly for at least 95 days.

Hair fall, Dandruff-

  1. Three spoons of sugar in the juice Of one lemon, mixing a spoonful of water, applying it to the roots of the hair, after an hour, sleeping with a good soap remove the abscess. Hair fall stops.
  2. Taking a bath by rubbing a slice of lemon on the head stops hair fall. Dandruff goes away and hair shines.

Baldness –

By squeezing the lemon on the seeds of lemon, grinding it on the hairy place, hair grows after applying it continuously for four to five months. Grinding gooseberry in lemon juice and applying it to the roots of the hair makes the hair grow faster.

Make a thick solution by adding three spoons of gram flour to the gram flour and make a thick solution and wash it after drying. Then mix coconut oil with lemon juice in the finished quantity and apply on the head. Next to the matter

After shampooing the hair, squeeze one lemon in a mug of water and wash the hair with that water. This will make the hair shine. For the last time, add lemon juice to two mugs of water and then rub it well on hair. After a while wash the hair with clean water. By doing this, the shine of the hair increases naturally and their fall and breakage also stop. Boil the tea in water and filter it, add the juice of one lemon to filtered water. Wash your hair with this immediately after shampooing. Due to this, dry hair shines, darkens hair and reduces other hair related diseases. Mixing ground gooseberry in lemon juice and applying it to white hair turns black. It also cures other hair diseases.

Blackening of hair –

  1. The juice of one lemon, two spoons of water, four spoons of powdered. Mix amla. If a paste is not formed then add water and let it soak for an hour. Then apply it to the head. Wash your head after an hour. Do not apply soap, shampoo while washing. Take care that water does not get into the eyes while washing. Do this experiment every fourth day. Will be talking in a few months.
  2. After drying the peels of five lemons squeezed in the shade, apply them in the roots of a hundred hairs, the hair will become black and thick. Put the gram in coconut oil and keep it in the sun for seven days. Shake once daily. Itchy skin is dry and hard, then apply curd in the hair and mix it with oil, use this for a long time. For lice, Wash the head after applying the above said paste, when the hair becomes dry, apply an equal amount of lemon juice and mustard oil mixed with an equal amount of lemon juice and ginger juice and apply it on the roots of the hair, lice die. Apply this and wash the head after an hour. After washing the head, mix an equal quantity of lemon juice and mustard oil and apply it to the hair regularly.

Hair fall-

  1. Massaging the head with lemon juice before taking a bath ends hair fall, ends hair fall and also destroys the yoke. After ten minutes while sleeping at night, massage the hair with coconut oil and mix it in the head
  2. Grind the root of the elder tree in lemon juice and apply it to the roots of the hair after soaking it in some water.

Dandruff –

  1. Mix the juice of two lemons, four spoons of water, four spoons of sugar and apply it to the roots of the hair. Wash your head after half an hour.
  2. Mix lemon in coconut oil and apply it to the roots of the hair at night. Washing the head by mixing lemon juice in water makes the hair soft. Cut a lemon and rub it on the head and let the juice dry, then wash it. This removes the farce.

Easy Delivery- If a pregnant woman drinks lemon shikanji (squeezing sugar and lemon in water) daily from the fourth month till the time of delivery, then delivery is easily done without any pain.
If there is a boil in the breast, apply an equal quantity of lemon juice and honey and put a bandage on the woman’s breast. Give lemon juice in vomiting of pregnancy on a hungry stomach. Namkeen shikanji
(lemon, salt and water) contains vitamin ‘E’. Vitamin ‘E helps a woman in conception. Protects the womb, prevents miscarriage.
Those who are suffering from miscarriage, should drink salted shikanji and keep a pillow under their feet while sleeping at night.

Tuberculosis (TB) –

  1. Asafoetida, 2 grams cumin, roasted one spoon both, basil grind 20 pieces of fresh leaves, a quarter teaspoon of rock salt, mix it in a glass of warm water, squeeze a lemon and mix it and prepare this drink three times daily for three months. After pouring the mixture, filter the milk, after filtering in the morning and at night. Advise th patient for complete rest, TB (tuberculosis) will be cured.
  2. One who has a persistent fever will takel 1 leaves of basil (according to taste). Mix salt, cumin, asafetida, a glass of warm water, 25 grams of lemon juice and drink it thrice a day for a few days. Squeezing lemon in water and drinking it is beneficial. Keep drinking lemon water every morning. would benefit.

Squeezing lemon in water and giving it to an asthma attack patient is beneficial. Drinking one lemon, two spoons of honey and one spoon of ginger juice in a cup of hot water every morning is very beneficial for an asthma patient. It can also be taken during an asthma attack. It is beneficial for heart disease, blood pressure, diseases of the digestive system and for maintaining good health. Sucking a little asafetida with lemon is beneficial for epilepsy.

If there is a distraction from walking in the sun, doing more work, squeeze lemon in cold water and drink it.

Drink hot water mixed with lemon, salt, cumin, roasted asafoetida and mint. Do this experiment for at least one month.

Pain in the joints of the feet, tonsils of the throat, ulcer in the stomach. Lemon should not be given. Such people should also use lemon with caution, who get dizziness or low blood pressure due to the use of lemon.

Beauty enhancer-

  1. Four spoons of flour of barley or gram, eight spoons of milk, half spoon of turmeric and juice of two lemons mixed together, rub on hands, mouth, body. After rubbing, take off and take a bath without applying soap. This will make the body soft and beautiful.
  2. One cup of turmeric and lentils in equal quantity, add the juice of one lemon and water and soak it overnight. After grinding, applying it on the face, hands and throat in the morning, take a bath after 15 minutes. The beauty of the form in the body will start to shine.
  3. Squeeze lemon on green peas, grind it after adding a little water, rub it on the face and hands and wash it after half an hour. Wherever you put it, that place will look beautiful.
  4. Mix half a cup of carrot honey, quarter lemon juice and apply it on the spots and spots of the face and wash it after half an hour, the skin will
    become radiant.
  5. Mix four spoons of cucumber juice, half lemon, quarter spoon turmeric and apply it on the face, neck, hands and arms. Wash off after half an hour. Due to this, the dark color of the body becomes clear and fairness comes. Use this for a month.
  6. Mix an equal quantity of lemon juice and raw milk and gram flour in the juice and apply it regularly on the face, neck and skin where beauty is to be increased. When dry, rub it off and wash it off. The body color will be white. The appearance will improve, the beauty will increase.
  7. Soak four spoons of gram dal in milk overnight. Grind lentils in the morning. Mix one-fourth lemon juice, quarter teaspoon turmeric in it and apply it on the face and wash it after half an hour or after drying. Do this experiment once a month, three days. The face will become attractive. Squeezing a little lemon on half a spoon of cream (which settles on milk) and rubbing it on the face, clears the complexion of the face.
  8. After drying the peels of lemon and orange, grind them together. Make a paste in four spoons of milk and rub it on the face. Wash off after 15 minutes. The skin will become beautiful. The second method of using this powder is that without adding milk, mix a little gram flour and add rose water and apply it as a paste. These experiments can also be done alternately. Both these uses make the skin healthy, smooth and bright.
  9. While taking a bath, wash the face with soap, rub it with a slice of lemon. The wrinkles of the face will be removed, the face will start
    looking beautiful.
  10. While sleeping at night, sleep by rubbing lemon on the face. Wash in the morning. The spots will clear up.
  11. Squeeze lemon on turmeric and grind it and apply it to the face, after an hour, the black spots of the face, freckles go away.
  12. Rub the lips with lemon squeezed. The blackness of the lips will go away.
  13. Rubbing lemon on the body while taking bath, the color of the skin becomes clear.
  14. Grind basil leaves in lemon juice and apply it while rubbing it on the face. When dry, add ghee. With this, all kinds of stains on the skin of the face are erased and the face becomes radiant.
  15. If the heels are cracked, rub the used lemon on the heels from the inside, the heels will be filled in a few days.
  16. If the skin of the hands, feet or throat has become black, then rub the lemon slice regularly, the skin will be glowing.
  17. To clean the microscopic hair follicles of the face, cut a lemon and rub it on the skin slowly. With this, the hair follicles will be cleaned, as well as the face will start glowing after eliminating nail, acne etc.
  18. Mix honey and lemon and apply them to the face. With this, the face will become radiant by getting rid of stains, spots, etc. and the eyes will also get reli f. Mix tomato juice, lemon juice and raw milk and apply it on the skin of the arms 15 minutes before bathing
  19. Take one spoon each, an equal quantity of lemon juice, gram flour, maida and honey by whisking it with a little water. Make a paste and rub it well on the face for some time. Then wash with clean water. By doing this continuously for a few days, unnecessary facial hair gets removed.
  20. Mix curd and juice of one lemon in a cup and rub it on the hair, face, hands etc. Take bath after 15 minutes. This will increase magnanimity. Another method to increase beauty-
    Mix an equal quantity of tomato and lemon juice and milk and apply it to the skin, take a bath after 15 minutes, the beauty of the skin will increase. The skin of the elbows often becomes hard and black. Keep the elbows on the squeezed lemon and sit for 15 minutes and then wash or take a bath, then the elbows will become beautiful.
  21. Mixing 5 drops of lemon juice in a spoonful of milk cream and applying it to the face makes the face clear and bright.
  22. Squeezing the juice of a lemon in the bathwater makes the skin bright and fresh.
  23. Put the juice of one lemon in the water and after washing the hair of the head, wash the hair with this water at the end, the hair will be shiny and soft
  24. Take lemon juice, millet and rice flour and turmeric and mix it with a spoon, add a little olive oil and make a thick paste, rub it on the face, wash the face after a while. This is a unique ubtan face mask that cleans the face.

Radiance of the skin-
drinking the juice of half a lemon and a little honey mixed in lukewarm water daily in the morning improves the skin of the face and body and brings a glow to the eyes. To bring radiance to your skin, mix an equal quantity of lemon juice and raw milk and rub it on the skin with a cotton swab, the skin will improve, to make the skin soft and glowing, mix equal amounts of lemon juice, rose water and cucumber juice. Apply on neck, face and hands, wash off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes.
To clean the scum on the elbows, heels and ankles, rub it with half a lemon, then wash it with water, the scum will be removed and the elbows, heels and keep will shine.
At bedtime, mix a few drops of lemon juice in a spoonful of cream and rub it on the face. Wash the face in the morning, it reduces the scars on the face. Beauty increases by consuming sunlight in the morning.
If you have oily skin, then drink lemon water several times a day, the oiliness of the skin will reduce.
Acne occurs on oily skin, to get rid of acne, drinking lemon juice, carrot juice and a little sugar mixed with acne can be avoided. Wherever there are rashes on the skin, rub a slice of lemon on them. Rub alum filled with lemon. Due to this, the rashes are light and the skin becomes glowing. Rubbing lemon juice after washing hands, hands become soft, nails become beautiful. Grind the sea foam in lemon juice and mix it on the face. Apply it on the spots on the face at night. The spots will clear up in a ew days. If you do not get seafoam, rub only lemon juice. pply lemon juice mixed with milk cream on dark spots un the eyes.
Lemon purifies the blood, makes the skin healthy, glow g and radiant. Lemon juice, rose water, glycerin – mix all three parts and fill it in the vial. Apply lemon and salt on the face before sleeping at night and take a bath with water, the body becomes beautiful. Washing hair with lemon water makes hair beautiful.

Cracking of hands and feet is cured in winter-
If there is no glycerin, you can use lemon mixed with copra oil. To make hands beautiful, mix an equal quantity of juice of a ripe tomato, lemon juice and glycerin and massage after washing hands. Wash off when dry. Apply multani mitti and lemon juice on the face.

Acne (Pimples, Acnes) –

  1. Squeeze lemon on moles and grind it like a chutney and apply it to the face. Wash off after two hours. Acne will be cured by softening the skin of the face.
  2. Make a powder by grinding cinnamon.
    Make a paste by adding a few drops of lemon juice to the quarter teaspoon powder and applying it to the face. Wash off after an hour, the acne will be cured
  3. After squeezing the lemon, the fork (peel) that
    remains, collect it and dry it. Grind when dry. Mix one spoon of gram flour in two spoons of it and make a paste by adding waterApply it on the face after .
  4. bath. Wash the face after half an hour, acne, freckles, spots will be cured, before rubbing the lemon slice, take a bath when the juice dries on the face. Even after this, keep applying lemon juice on the face every hour again and again.
  5. By squeezing lemon on a spoonful of cream that is frozen on milk, acne on the face is removed.
  6. Apply lemon juice on the face or apply lemon and rose in equal quantity, it cures acne.
  7. Cut a lemon and rub it on the face, then wash the face. If there are acne scars on the skin of the face, then it removes them gradually.
  8. Half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a quarter teaspoon of salt in turmeric, mix one teaspoon of water and rub it on the face after heating it. After drying, the marks will disappear. Apply this every fourth day. And after filtering the eyes, fill two drops in the vial twice daily in the morning and evening, Cataract for four to five months

Add rose water. Adding 12 parts of rose water to it regularly keeps on pouring it like this, the eyesight increases, the spectacles are removed.

Eye sight enhancer-
Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and always have a hungry stomach in the morning. This is the first aid to staying healthy. Keep drinking, the eyesight will remain fine and will increase. This keeps the stomach clean. The body remains healthy.

Dry skin-

  1. Mix one spoon ground multani mitti in half a cup of curd, squeeze half a lemon and apply it on the face, hands and feet and wash after half an hour, the dryness of the skin will go away.
  2. Make a paste by mixing turmeric and lemon juice on dry skin. Take it and wash it after half an hour after applying it to the skin, the dryness of the skin will go away.
  3. Mix four spoons of gram flour, four spoons of curd, squeeze half a lemon in a quarter cup of cucumber juice and mix it well and rub it like a paste on the face and hands and feet. After half an hour, wash and clean the skin.
  4. For dry skin, apply a spoonful of cream mixed with lemon juice at bedtime. Wash the face after waking up in the morning. This reduces the spots and spots on the face. And the complexion of the skin is brightened. 5. Before sleeping or after bath, one part glycerin, two parts rose water and one part neem. Mixing the juice of booze and applying it on the face, hands, feet end dryness of the skin.

Oily skin-

  1. Oily skin gets more spots and acne, those with oily skin should wash the face with soap twice daily. Rubbing lemon on the face is beneficial in oily skin.
  2. Drinking juice of half a lemon with one spoon of honey in lukewarm water daily in the morning makes the skin radiant.
    For oily skin, drink lemon water several times a day. Oiliness will reduce. To improve the skin, mix lemon juice in raw milk and rub it on the skin.

Intoxication and Habit of alcohol-

  1. By drinking lemon water, again and again, the intoxication goes away and the desire for intoxication is released.
  2. Drinking lemon water and honey removes all kinds of intoxication. Especially the intoxication of cannabis goesaway.
  3. Drinking a glass of lemon water mixed with a spoonful of ginger juice ends the intoxication of everything
  4. To remove the intoxication of alcohol, drink half a glass of cucumber juice by squeezing a lemon. The intoxication will go away. Suck on smoking limes. Drink lemon water. Put five drops of lemon juice on the tongue repeatedly and keep the taste sour. The habit of smoking, bidi cigarette and tobacco consumption will be given up. Rub lemon on the nails regularly, wash with water after the juice dries up. It cures nail diseases. It is also beneficial in cataracts.

Putting lemon, rock salt on onion reduces thirst. put it after meal, make three rinses with this water and drink all the remaining water.

Mouth odour-
Squeezing one lemon in a glass of water and two spoons of rose water work as a mouth freshener.
Bitter taste-

  1. Patients often say that the taste of the mouth remains bitter, the taste remains bad, due to which the food does not taste good. Putting black pepper, black salt on the face of lemon, roasting it on the pan and sucking it, the taste of bitterness in the mouth gets better.
  2. By making a thin paste of 5 cloves of garlic, half a lemon, a little ginger, green coriander or mint, black salt, cumin, eating it with food increases interest in food.

Cleaning the teeth-
Take a small piece of lemon and rub the teeth with it regularly and brush it. Teeth will start shining like pearls.

Pyorrhea, Scurvy, Blisters, Throat pain-
To cure them, take lemon in excessive quantity i.e., up to 45- lemons daily. Rub lemon juice on the gums. Rinse and gargle with lemon squeezed in warm water. Excessive consumption of oranges is also beneficial.
All types of diseases of teeth and gums are cured by using them.

Blisters (Stomatitis) –

  1. Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of warm water and rinse it four times daily.
  2. Drink sugar or salt to taste in lemon and water regularly and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. At bedtime, drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of ghee. By using it for two months for a long time, the blisters stop in future.


  1. Licking the juice of half a lemon and two spoons of honey, provides relief in severe cough, shortness of breath and cold.
  2. Filling lemon with sugar, black salt, black pepper and sucking it is beneficial. An acute attack of cough gets better.
  3. Boil 30 mint leaves, eight ground black peppers, a glass of water mixed with salt as per taste. After boiling half the water, filter it and squeeze half a lemon and drink it in the morning and evening. There will be benefits in cough and fever.
  4. Boil a lemon in water and squeeze it in a cup and mix it with two spoons of honey. Prepare in this way and take two such quantities in the morning and evening, it will be beneficial in cough. The mucus accumulated in the chest melts and comes out.
  5. Cough increases by consuming sour things. Do not consume lemon during normal cough.

Blowing Hair-

  1. If a bunch of hair or a rash has flown from somewhere on the head, rub lemon there regularly for one or two months. By doing this the hair will grow.
  2. Putfreshlemonpeelsinwaterandboil them until the peels are completely melted. After the water cools down, wash your head with it. Keep rubbing the water slowly on the head, it removes all the dirt from the head and also stops hair fall. Anger gets pacified by drinking lemon water while having breakfast.

Infectious diseases-
Infectious germs are destroyed by the aroma of lemon. Smelling lemon helps in diseases that cause bad breath.
Diseases of water-
Drinking dirty water causes diseases of the liver, typhoid, diarrhea, stomach. If pure water is not available, if there is water collected in the river, pond, then squeeze lemon in the water and drink it. Squeezing lemon in water and drinking it prevents diseases caused by water diseases, filth etc. Rubbing lemon peels removes the smell.
Anti-disease power-
It is very good to use lemon in the rainy and winter seasons because lemon protects the physical health in these seasons by developing immunity in the body. Plant a rich lemon tree in front of the door of your house. This increase rosperity, there is such a belief. In the absence of space, o this auspicious work by keeping a plastic artificial lemon tree.

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