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The nature of lentils is hot, dry, blood-stimulating and blood-thickening. It takes more time to digest it. Eating its lentils is beneficial in diarrhea, polyuria, leucorrhea and constipation. After frying its lentils with ghee, eating it is beneficial in the power of the eyes. Leucorrhea, all types of bleeding, lentils and moong dal have similar properties if eaten by making churma of lentil flour, maida. Protein by using lentils instead of moong – Taking 50 grams of protein daily is essential for good health. One cup of lentils provides 18 grams of protein.
Diseases of the stomach – Eating lentils is beneficial in all types of diseases related to the digestive system of the stomach.
Boils – By applying a poultice of lentil flour, the boils burst quickly and the pus dries up.
Acne and acne spots – Soak lentils in so much water that they get wet and soak up the water. Then grind it and mix it with milk and apply it on the face twice in the morning and evening, rub it.
Stains on the face – (1) Melon seeds (available at grocers) and lentils mixed with equal quantity of milk and paste it on the face at night, smallpox, blemishes, will deepen. Use for a long time. And grind both the soft new four leaves of the banyan tree and apply them to the face. Wash the face after three hours and the freckles will be cured. Use this regularly for two weeks. (2) Squeeze lemon on the soaked lentils and apply it to the face, the freckles of the face are erased. If there are bloody piles, then eating lentils with a morning meal and drinking a glass of sour buttermilk is beneficial.
Burning of feet – Grind the flour of lentils and dissolve it in water and boil it. After cooling down, apply it on the feet four times daily. There will be benefits in burning feet.

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MihirMihirMay 4, 2024
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MihirMihirJune 4, 2024


MihirMihirJune 4, 2024

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