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There are many types of berries but all religions and properties are the same. Jamun is thick. Jamun increases appetite, digests food and brings more urine. Use only berries for medicinal use, but if there are no berries, the vinegar of Jamun can be used instead of Jamun.The alkalinity and acidity of Jamun removes blood defects. The fruits, bark, leaves, and seeds are all equally used for medicinal purposes (kernels), leaves can be used for any purpose and are equally useful. Eat Jamun after having a meal. Jamun is beneficial in heart diseases. Due to the decrease in the ability of brain cells to enhance memory and memory power it becomes weak in old age. Anti-oxidants especially flavonoids are found in Jamun, which work as anti-aging, it increases memory power, by applying the regular application of Jamun leaves on the white spots of fire burns, the stains are cured. In case of pimples in the armpit, if there is a foul smell, then pour water on the leaves of Jamun, grind it and apply it in the morning and evening. In bed urine, multi-urine diseases of the elderly, grind the equal quantity of Jamun and black sesame seeds, take two spoons with water in the morning and evening.
Acne –
By eating Jamun, the acne of the face disappears. Grind the kernels of Jamun with water and apply it on the face and wash it after half an hour, it will get rid of acne.
If there are boils and pimples, then eat two hundred grams of Jamun daily and apply the seeds of Jamun by grinding it with milk.
If you have pain in your teeth, bleeding, your teeth are moving and bloating, then chop 50 grams of new, soft and raw leaves of Jamun and mix a quarter teaspoon of black pepper. Boil it in a glass of water, filter it and rinse with it twice daily. Grind the bark of Jamuns finely and brush your teeth with it regularly. All the diseases of the teeth will be cured.
Diseases of teeth and gums are cured by eating Jamun regularly and thirst is not felt much.Grind 2kg green leaves of Jamun by burning them finely. When teeth are rubbed with this powder, the gums and teeth become strong and healthy. Keep eating Jamun too.
Pyorrhea –
Gargle with Jamun juice for a minute, swish the juice in the mouth and spit it out. Do four rinses like this. It is beneficial in pyorrhea.

Mouth ulcers –
Grind 40 soft leaves of Jamun and dissolve it in a glass of water, filter it and rinse with it, mouth ulcers will be cured very soon. Blisters are also cured by eating berries. You can also rinse by adding vinegar to the water.

Asthma –
By adding Jamuns, grind the kernels of Jamun, and boil one of them in two cups of water so that one cup of boiling water remains.
After filtering it, add milk and sugar as per taste and drink it twice daily. After drinking for a few days, the asthma attacks will gradually subside and stop.
If there is burning and pain in the throat, drink Jamun juice regularly.

Hoarseness –
TakethekernelsofJamunandhoney. With this, after grinding and mixing it with honey, drink it, the throat is opened, and the voice gets cured. After using it for a long time, the deteriorating voice gets cured. It can also be taken two times by mixing it with honey.
Menstruation stopped –
In case of stoppage of menstruation, grind
50 grams of dried Jamun. Then
add five grams of black pepper powder to it and half a teaspoon of honey. Consume it daily in the morning and evening for two months. Due to this, menstruation starts and becomes regular.
Blood leucorrhea –
Taking two spoons of ground Jamun kernels, one cup of rice with soaked water or rice mod once daily is beneficial in blood leucorrhea.
Hypermenorrhea –
If bleeding occurs more in menstruation,
then take a quarter cup of Jamun juice 5 times daily with an interval of three hours.
Weakness –
Taking 15g powder of Jamun and rock sugar with milk in the morning and evening removes
all kinds of weakness. Diabetic patients should eat 150 grams of Jamun daily. The amount of glucose in the blood can be controlled by the regular consumption of Jamun.

Jamun kernels are a panacea for diabetes. Take the powder of kernels only in the prescribed quantity, taking more quantity is harmful. Put 200 grams of Jamun in a glass of boiling water and boil it for some time. Then take it off and let it cool down. Churn them in this water, filter them and mix one spoon of honey and drink it thrice daily. It is beneficial in diabetes.
Jamun is beneficial in stomach diseases, it has a special power to stop diarrhea.
In case of stomach ache, diarrhea and agnimandya, mix rock salt in Jamun juice and drink it.
In case of indigestion –
Eat 100 grams of Jamun with salt daily. Add one teaspoon of Jamun vinegar to a cup of water and drink it three times a day. With this, almost all common diseases of the stomach are cured. Appetite is good, if there is stomach pain, mix spoonful of Jamun vinegar and a little black salt.

Digestion –
Our body organs get strength from the consumption of Jamun. Due to this, there is a good
appetite, food is digested and teeth are strengthened.
Jamun, if consumed regularly, it improves liver function tremendously. It acts like a ‘liver extract’, eat 200 grams of jamun daily or drink juice, which will be beneficial in liver diseases.
Eating jamun regularly is beneficial in liver diseases and jaundice. Jamun vinegar is also beneficial.
Enlargement of the liver –
Drinking half a spoonful of Jamun vinegar in a glass of lukewarm water and drinking it once is beneficial.

Dysentery –
(1) Grind 10 grams of Jamun kernels in water and dissolve it in half a cup of water and take it twice a day, bloody diarrhea stops.
(2) Drinking one cup of Jamun juice mixed with two spoons of sugar is also beneficial.
(3) Grind 10 green leaves of Jamun and dissolve them in half a cup of water, filter it and drink it twice daily. Eat khichdi.

Diarrhea –
Dysentery –
(1) Grind 10 grams of Jamun kernels in water and dissolve it in half a cup of water and take it twice a day, bloody diarrhea stops.
(2) Drinking one cup of Jamun juice mixed with two spoons of sugar is also beneficial.
(3) Grind 10 green leaves of Jamun and dissolve them in half a cup of water, filter it and drink it twice daily. Eat khichdi.
(1) No matter how severe diarrhea may be, take 4 leaves of Jamun, which are neither too thick nor too soft, grind them, then mix a little Sangha salt in it and make tablets from it. By taking one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening, diarrhea stops immediately. After mixing Jamun leaves and salt, suck the juice and spit, it is also beneficial.
(2) Dry the kernels of Jamun and mangoes and grind them in equal quantities. In case of diarrhea, take an equal quantity of Jamun, mango kernels, and rose flowers, grind them all and take two spoons of powdered buttermilk regularly. No matter how old or new diarrhea may be, it will be beneficial.
(3) In recurrent diarrhea, taking 10 grams of juice of soft leaves of Jamun, mixed with a little honey, three times a day is very beneficial

Stones –
Eating ripe Jamun provides relief form stone disease. Make a lassi by mixing two spoons of Jamun kernels powder, half a cup of curd, and an equal amount of water and drink it thrice a day, the stones melt away. Take this for a month, the acid element found in Jamun has the ability to dissolve the stones in the urine, in the same way, mixing three spoons of Jamun juice with rock salt according to taste and drinking it thrice a day removes urinary stones
The elements found in Jamun are 78.2% water, 0.7% protein, 0.1% phosphorus, 1.0% iron, 0.3% calcium, 0.1% fat, 0.4% salt, 19.7% carbohydrate, 0.9% fiber, vitamin C and vitamin B.
Caution- Due to the properties of bautas in Jamun, it is not advisable to eat it on a hungry stomach. Eating Jamun after your meal is beneficial. Eating Jamun in excessive quantity causes swelling, vomiting and obstetrics. Always eat the ripe Jamun. Consumption of underripe fruits can cause wounds in the digestive system. Eating more Jamun can cause stiffness and fever in the body, so one should not eat more. Eat Jamun with salt for taste. Eating Jamun with salt gets digested soon. Before eating Jamun, putting it in cold water for an hour and then eating will be more beneficial.
Jamun syrup – By drinking Jamun syrup, one feels fresh after getting rid of fatigue. If children are suffering from indigestion, vomiting with blood, simple vomiting and diarrhoea, then this Jamun syrup should be used.

Jamun Cider Vinegar –
It is a beauty enhancer. The beauty of women, men, and children increases by drinking Jamun vinegar regularly. Drink a cup of water mixed with a teaspoon of vinegar.

Stomach diseases –
If there is a burning sensation in the throat and sour-bitter vomiting, then jamun vinegar should not be used.

Swelling of gums –
Gargling thrice a quarter spoonful of Jamun vinegar with water ends the swelling of the gums and also strengthens the moving teeth.

The Jamun vinegar is sour in taste. Therefore, to make the vinegar drinkable, adding water is necessary. It increases appetite and old stomach disorders are also cured; weakness is removed. Jamun vinegar is available in the market.
Jamun juice – After keeping Jamun in water for two hours, take out the kernels and extract the juice. Quantity The quantity of Jamun kernels powder is one teaspoon at a time.
Polyuria – This medicine is used in abundance in polyuria disease, frequent urination occurs in large quantities, accompanied by excessive thirst. The more water is drunk, the more urine comes. The relative gravity of urine is also very high. This is the main symptom of Jamun.Jamun is beneficial even if there is fever or any other disease along with the abnormal and excessive amount of urine.

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