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Mango should be kept in cold water or in the refrigerator before eating it in its natural and hot form. This removes the heat from mango. Mixing mango with milk or drinking milk from above after eating it benefits a lot. Drinking Amaras in the evening for two or three months brings masculine strength, weakness of the body goes away. The nervous system and Kama Shakti get stimulation. The body becomes fat. Mango papad is also made. Amaras is dried and made into papad. When there is no mango, then mango can be tasted by eating papad of mango. Eat one-fourth of the mango papad at a time, in small quantities Vitamin ‘A’ and ‘C’ are found in its papad. Mango papad is also beneficial for health.
Sperm increases by drinking ripe mango juice, sugar candy, ardamom, clove, ginger mixed according to taste. Deficiency of Vitamin ‘A’ reduces the immunity power of Xerophthalmia i.e., reddened and itchy eyes, night blindness and avoidance of contagious diseases. Mango contains more Vitamin A than all other fruits. Apart from this, vitamin ‘B’ and vitamin ‘C’ are also high. A man needs 5000 international units of vitamin ‘A’ daily, which is found only in 100 grams of mango. Sucker mango is beneficial for night blindness. Heart patients should drink half a teaspoon of ginger juice mixed with Amaras.

Wrinkles: –
As long as you keep getting mango, drinking a glass of Amaras does not cause wrinkles on the face and wrinkles to disappear.

(1) Grind an equal quantity of mango kernels, belgiri and sugar candy and take two spoon of mixture with water thrice a day. It ends diarrhea, it is more beneficial in the summer season.
(2) Grind 50 grams of roasted mango kernels, add salt and sugar according to taste and take one spoonful out of it with water three times a day. It will be beneficial in diarrhea.
(3) After roasting mango kernels, grinding fenugreek with curd and applying it on the navel stops diarrhea.
(4) Grind mango kernels with plenty of water and apply a thick paste on the navel, it stops all types of diarrhea.

Ascarides (Worms)-
Taking one-fourth spoonful of mango kernel powder with hot water kills stomach worms.

Hemorrhage (Nosebleed)-Grind the dried mango kernels and soup three times a day. The nose will be fine.

(1) In case of bleed in diarrhea, grinding mango kernels and mixing them with buttermilk is beneficial.
(1) Drying mangos leaves in shade and grinds them in cloth and filter it. Eat khichdi three times a day with half a teaspoon of hot water. Baking mango kernels with salts and eating it daily gives strength to the stomach in case of diarrhea. For example results take one kernel, three times daily.
Eating clay-
(1) Bake the kernel of mango and take out the kernel. If it I 50 grams, mix 25grams sugar candy, 20grams fennel, five grams small cardamom and grind it after feeding half a teaspoon, three times a day, the habit of eating soil is broken
(2) If the child has a habit of eating soil, then giving mango kernel with freshwater is beneficial. Baking the kernels and eating it like a betel nut also leaves eating soil.

Swelling of gums-
soaking one spoon ground amchur in a glass of water for three hours and rinsing this with water cures swelling of gum and pain

Amoebiasis –
Eating mango kernel three times a day on regular basis is beneficial.

Manjan –
Grind dry green leaves of mango after burning it. Grind the mango kernels as much as it is ash and mix both of them and filter them in a sieve of flour and brush your teeth gently with it on regular basis, the teeth will start shining after cleaning.

Tooth Strength-
Chew a lot of fresh mango leaves and keep spitting with continuous use for a few days, the moving teeth will become strong, the bleeding from the gums will stop.

Bowies- (1) Grind 5 mango kernel and mix 50 grams of groundnut oil and apply it on bowies, it is beneficial
(2) If there are bowies, if the soles are cracked, rub the peel of mango on them

Mix sixty grams of honey in a cup of Amaras and drink cow’s milk thrice a daily. By doing this for 21 days, there is a benefit in tuberculosis.

Weakness of brain-
Mix one cup of Amaras a quarter cup of milk, spoon of ginger juice, sugar according to taste and drink it once daily. This removes the weakness of the brain. Due to the weakness of the brain, chronic headache, darkness before the eyes are removed. The body remains healthy. It is also blood purifier. It also gives strength to the heart and liver.

Grind soft leaves of 25 grams of mango and boil it in glass of water. When the water remains half, filter it and drink it hot twice.

Hemorrhagic Hemorrhoids-
Grind 10 soft, soft leaves of mango and dissolve them in a glass of water. Add sugar candy to it as per taste. Drinking this way stop bleeding from piles.

Diarrhea, Piles-
(1) Half a cup of sweet Amaras, 25 grams of sweet curd and one teaspoon of ginger juice- drink altogether. Drink one such quantity regularly in three stools to remove the particles of dyspepsia and piles properly. This causes chronic diarrhea.
(2) Grind the kernel of mango and dissolve it in water or buttermilk and drink it, it stops diarrhea. For taste, sugar can be added. By grinding dysentery and drinking water, digestion becomes more powerful. For adult, at one time take one kernel only and for children, take half kernel three times. If dysentery, bleeding piles and blood came in the urine, then grind new mango leaves and dissolve them in water and then drink.
Digestive power-
(1) Mango contains heavy fibers and fibrous mango is more digestible, beneficial and relieves constipation. Mango common intestines strong. Drinking milk after sucking mango, gives strength to the intestines. Mango clears the stomach. It has both nutritive and laxative properties. It cures liver weakness and anemia. Digestive power increases by drinking 70 grams of sweet mango juice mixed with two grams of dry ginger in the morning.
(2) Eating roasted kernel gives strength to the intestines, digestion power increases.

Mix 70 grams of mango juice, 15 grams of honey and drink it regularly in the morning for three weeks, it provides relief in swelling and in wounds of the spleen. Do not eat sour during this period.

Power booster-
A lot of blood is produced by mango juice. Skinny people gain weight. The urine comes out freely. There is energy in the body. Mango murabba can also be taken. Eat mango after meals for two consecutive months to increase potency.

Strengthening for children-
Soak the seven kernels that come out of mango kernel in water at night. Grind it in the morning and boil it after mixing it with half a kg of milk. After boiling, take it off and let it cool. Mixing a little ground cinnamon (two grams) and powdered sugar candy according to taste, drinking it regularly for 15 days increases strength and intelligence. By consuming a beautifying mango, the complexion of the skin
becomes clear, the appearances of the face increases and the glow of the face increases. Black spots on the face, freckles- Take an equal quantity of the inner kernel of mango and Jamun, grind both with water and apply it on the face daily at night. Wash the face in the morning, scars, spots, freckles will be cured.

Dry cough-
Press ripe mango in hot ash, roast it and suck it when it cools down, it cures dry cough.

Asthma –
Eat two mango kernels daily in the morning or grind them and mix them with cold water, it will be beneficial in asthma. Do this experiment for the teeth are cured.

Pyorrhea –
By brushing the fine powder of mango kernels, Pyorrhea and all diseases of the teeth are cured.

Ovulation –
Grinding 25 grams of mango leaves, ten grams of rock salts, both after heating it a little, cures ovulation.

Burning in hand and feet-
Rubbing mango blossom (flowers that come out before fruiting) ends the burning sensation.

(1) Mix equal parts of mango and Jamun juice and drink it for a few days diabetes is cured.
(1) Grind the kernel of mango and Jamun kernels and roast small greens together in equal quantities. Take a spoonful of this mixture twice daily. It will be beneficial in diabetes and diarrhea.
On the bite of poisonous rat, monkey, mad dog, spider venom, scorpion, wasp, etc.., rubbing mango with water provides relief from burning, pain etc. The scorpion’s venom comes down by grinding an equal quantity of anchor and garlic and applying it to the bitten area.

Marasmus –
Soak one spoon of amchur and mix two spoons of honey in it and lick the child twice a day, it cures dryness.

Calculus –
Dry fresh mangos leaves in the shade and grind them very finely and take eight grams daily with stale water in the morning. The sand will go away.
Sunstroke-drinking the buttermilk of Carrie (Raw mango) is beneficial. Anyone who fells heat or heat, dry mouth, sweating starts in the forehead, hands and feet, the heart becomes nervous and there is thirst only, then in such conditions, the patient should be given Carrie’s buttermilk by the following method. Boil a large carrie or press it under the fire of coal, when it turns black like brinjal, take it out and keep it on cold water and take out the brunt peels and churn it take cur, jiggery, cumin, in its pulp. Add coriander, salt and black pepper and churn it well and drink one cup three times a day by adding water are required, it will be beneficial in heart stroke.

Epilepsy –
Wash and clean half a kilo of mango green leaves and grind them to make a pulp. Mix it with half a kilo of sesame oil and feat it .after boiling the water well, col this oil and filter it. Finally, squeeze out the pulp. Massage this oil on the body. This will be beneficial in epilepsy.

Vomiting –
put two leaves of mango and 50 leaves of mint in water, grind and make the paste of both by mixing together and dissolve it in a cup of water and filter it.
Drink a spoonful of honey mixed with it. Vomiting will stop immediately.

Cannabis intoxication –
Grind mango kernels and dissolve them in water and drink.

Blood purifier-
One cup of Amaras, half a cup of milk, one spoon of ghee, two spoons of ginger will clean the blood.

Ringworm –
Grind three parts amchur and one part rock salt in water and apply it to ringworm regularly, it is beneficial.

Heart disease-
Drink half teaspoon ginger juice mixed with mango juice, it will be beneficial.

By applying ground amchur in water, small pimples get cured. The pimple on the beard, the barber’s shave (Barbers itch) is also cured.

(1) By sniffing the mango blossom (the flower that comes on the mango tree before the mango is planted), it stops bleeding.
(2) Grinding the kernels coming out of dry mango kernels and sniffing them thrice daily will cure nosebleeds.
By eating more amchur, the metal becomes weak and impotence comes.

Burning –
Grinding mango kernel in water and applying it to the burnt area provides quick relief.

Insomnia –Eat mango and drink milk at night. This gives good sleep.

Ascites –eating mango is beneficial in dropsy. Eat three mangoes three times a day.

Renal impairment –The texture of mango is like a kidney. By eating mango regularly, the weakness of the kidney is removed.

Mango should not be eaten on a hungry stomach. Consumption of mango in excess leads to agnimandya, blood disorders, constipation and acidity

Plant Base


MihirMihirJune 4, 2024
Plant Base


MihirMihirJune 4, 2024

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