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When and how to consume fruits and what things to keep in mind while consuming, eating fruits on an empty stomach gives full benefits of fruits. It is believed that it is best to consume fruits in the morning, moderate in the afternoon and very less beneficial at night.
The season in which the fruits are produced and are available in large quantities in the market, at that time only those fruits should be eaten because according to nature, fruits grow in that season.
It is advisable to give fruits to the patient thrice a day, in the morning, afternoon and evening. One type of fruit should be consumed at a time. Eat fruits alone, only then you can take full advantage of them. Made by combining many fruits, it is for taste, not for health benefits.
Eat fruits like guava, pear, apple etc. with peel. It is best to consume orange or juicy fruits in winter. Keep in mind, eat them sitting in the sun. Orange is cold, gives happiness to the body and mind. Orange can be given in all diseases.
For those whose digestive power is poor, orange juice mixed with three times water should be given. It is most beneficial to consume oranges in the morning on a hungry stomach or five hours after a meal, it is enough for a person to take one or two oranges at a time. Vitamin C is found in abundance in oranges. The amount of Vitamin ‘C’ needed by a person is fulfilled by eating one orange daily.
Consuming it prevents infectious diseases and increases immunity. Eating orange and drinking juice during fasting is very beneficial.

Eye lightening – Adding a little black pepper and rock salt to a glass of orange juice and drinking it daily increases the eyesight. Eat or drink orange juice daily for a long time to get rid of rheumatism, stomach, liver, jaundice, bowel cleansing, heart and dental diseases, mental exhaustion, dryness, lethargy, excessive thirst, pimples on the face, etc. Sugar, sugar candy or dry ginger can be added to enhance the taste.
Smallpox stains – Dry the orange peel and grind it. Make a paste by mixing four spoons of rose water in its powder and rub it on the face regularly. Smallpox stains will lighten.
Flu – In some parts of the world, it is believed that eating oranges can be avoided when the flu (influenza) is occurring or spreading in the form of an epidemic, it is beneficial even if there is flu. If you have influenza, keep eating only oranges, and drink hot water, the flu will be cured.
Fever – Orange contains citric which kills the fever germs. So, oranges can be consumed without any fear in any type of fever.
Kidney diseases – Eating 1-2 oranges in the morning before breakfast or drinking hot water reduces the temperature in a high fever. Instead of water, drink orange juice frequently. Kidney diseases are cured by drinking orange juice. Kidney diseases are prevented. Orange is useful in keeping the kidneys clean.
Apples and grapes also provide similar benefits. Fruit juice is useful in the morning on a hungry stomach to keep healthy. In case of cold, cough with cold water in summer and with hot water in winter, drinking orange juice is beneficial.
In case of cold, a glass of orange juice regularly will be beneficial. You can drink it by adding salt or sugar candy to taste.

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