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Medicine for all diseases- Take half a teaspoon of juice of basil leaves or grind one hundred leaves and mix three spoons of honey, two spoons of water and drink it for a month. Lung diseases like bronchitis, pneumonia and T B. Honey is beneficial in asthma etc. In Russia, honey is more used in lung diseases.

Asthma- Mucus, weak person whose lungs are filled with mucus and breathing is difficult, giving two spoons of onion juice or one onion to the pulp, mixing it with two spoons of honey is an old recipe. Asthma and lung diseases are cured by consuming honey. Honey strengthens the lungs, removes the cough, dryness of the throat and nerve pain. In case of cold, cough and fever, mix one- fourth spoon of ground peepal in one spoon of honey and eat it thrice daily.

Cold-Mix one teaspoon honey and quarter teaspoon salt, lick three times daily.
Cough- (1) Boil a lemon in water and then squeeze it in a glass. Add one ounce of glycerin and three ounces of honey and stir it. Taking one spoon of it, four times stops coughing.
(2) Honey gives relief in cough. Licking 12 grams of honey thrice a day removes phlegm, cures cough.
Malaria – Mixing 1 teaspoon of ground black fennel with 1 teaspoon of honey, once daily, cures malaria that comes on the fourth day.
If you feel more thirsty, keep 2 spoons of honey in your mouth and keep it for 10 minutes, then spit it out and gargle. Feeling thirsty again and again will be fine.

Dark spots on the skin, stains-
Mix one teaspoon of honey with a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice and apply it to the dark spots. Wash off after an hour. The dark spots will disappear in a few weeks.

Moisture-Honey has the property of absorbing moisture. This kills the germs. Honey should be applied thrice in the case of cracked heels, sores in the soles (itching in the feet due to rainwater, pimples), discoloration of the skin of the fingers, and nails.

Skin diseases-
Many skin diseases, such as itching, mild spots on the body, boils, pimples, acne are cured by drinking water mixed with honey.

Old people say that repeated application of pure honey or applying honey on clothes cures erysipelas. Honey purifies the blood. Makes new blood. To remove 10 diseases of the intestines, appetite, eyes and skin, soak three spoons of ground amla in a glass of water at night. Sieve it in the morning and drink four spoons of honey mixed with it.

Toxic bite-Applying honey on the bitten area and internal consumption is beneficial in case of bites of a jackal, dog, scorpion etc.

Frost Bite-
If there is constant pain in the cold affected part, then rub honey on it.

Mix two spoons of onion juice with the same amount of honey and lick it, it stops hiccups. Even licking honey also stops hiccups.

(1) Tying a bandage of honey provides relief.
(2) Tie a bandage with one-part yellow wax, four parts honey ointment. Heat the wax and add honey. It will become an ointment. Wounds that do not heal are healed by this. Applying honey on fire-burned organs reduces the burning sensation, keep applying honey until the wound is healed. When the wound heals, the white spots of the burn remain. Keep tying the bandage by applying honey on them. The stains will disappear. People suffering from arthritis or rheumatism should eat honey in abundance for a long time. It benefits a lot. Joint pain is reduced.

Honey is beneficial for the body to get strong and long life. Honey is the best food for old people. It saves from the troubles of old age.

Drink 50 grams of honey mixed with freshwater or milk in the morning and before sleeping. Honey has a sedative effect on the stomach.

The use of honey gives strength, energy and strength to the nerves. Those working in the sea who have to stay in water for a long time can get this power from honey. The biggest property of honey is to remove tiredness.

Digestive organs are spoiled by sugar, the air is created in the stomach but honey prevents it from forming. It increases mental and physical strength. After doing all the work, at night or whenever you feel tired, drink two spoons of honey squeezed lemon juice in half a glass of warm water, all the tiredness will go away and you will feel fresh again.

In diabetes, if there is a strong desire to eat sweets, in place of sugar, honey can be taken in very small amounts, can prevent the appearance of sugar in the urine and prevent chronic diseases of the kidney.

Night blindness-
Applying honey in the eyes like kajal at the time of sleeping ends night blindness. This prevents night blindness.

(1) If the headache starts from sunrise, as soon as the sun starts setting, the headache stops, in such a headache, put a drop of honey in the other nostril on the side where the headache is occurring. Put it, the pain will be relieved.

(2) Sometimes suddenly there is severe pain in half the head, the patient even vomits in pain. The pain stops on vomiting. This pain keeps on happening again and again. Taking two spoons of honey at the time of daily meal does not cause pain. Even if there is any pain, then taking two spoons of honey at the same time cures it. Applying lemon, honey, gram flour and sesame oil enhances the beauty of the skin by giving it a natural glow. Licking one spoon of honey thrice a day is beneficial if there is swelling in the throat.
If the voice of the throat has settled, then gargling with a cup of warm water with a spoonful of honey opens the voice.

Crying in sleep-
If the child cries in sleep, then understand that he is dreaming due to indigestion. Give him honey for a few days, indigestion will go away and crying in sleep will stop.

Tuberculosis (T.B.)-
One cup of pomegranate juice, one cup of milk mixed with three spoons of honey and drink daily in the morning. It should be given mixed with 25 grams of honey, 100 grams of butter. Mixing one spoon of honey, two spoons of native ghee stops the decay of the body, and increases the strength of the heart. Due to this, the heart becomes so strong that a horse gains strength by eating green barley.

Inflammation of the heart band is removed by the use of honey. Where it gives strength to the diseased heart, it strengthens the healthy heart. Heart failure is avoided. When the patient is afraid of fainting due to the lack of glycogen in the blood, feeding honey can save the patient from fainting.

Honey generates energy and excitement in the patient within minutes and the weak and failing heart becomes strong. When the heartbeat becomes high due to cold or weakness, if there is any problem like heartburn, then put one spoon of honey in warm water. Pour it and drink it. Taking one spoon of honey daily makes the heart strong. One teaspoon of honey has 100 calories. Taking one spoon of honey daily makes the heart strong.

When big drugs and injections do not help in hives, then mix 6 grams of Nagkesar, 25 grams of honey and feed the patient in the morning and evening. Take one spoon honey and one spoon, Triphala mixed in morning and evening. If there is a pain in the stomach of children, then boil two spoons of fennel in a glass of water. When half the water remains, add honey as per taste. If the pain arises intermittently, then mix four spoons of mint juice and one spoon of honey and drink it.

Make a paste by mixing flour and honey. Apply it on a piece of cloth and apply it to the pimples.
If there is any skin disease, then there is some relief by tying a honey bandage. In skin diseases like herpes, scabies, boils etc., taking 40 grams of honey mixed with 300 grams of water in the morning helps to purify the blood. Honey makes the skin soft.

Honey contains protein. Consuming protein during pregnancy passes on the paternal qualities to the child. Certain hormones in honey maintain the puberty and complexion of the pregnant woman. There is blood loss in pregnancy.

During this period, the consumption of blood-enhancing things should be done more. By giving two spoons of honey to women regularly, there is no shortage of blood, strength comes and the child becomes beautiful, fat, fresh and full of sharp mental power.

By giving milk and honey to the pregnant from the beginning or in the last three months, the child becomes healthy and attractive.

Honey substitute- 500 grams jaggery, 150 ml water (30 teaspoons).

Method- After mixing jaggery and water, give a boil (after the jaggery is completely dissolved) sieve it with a cloth. Keep it in a glass bottle. It will be able to stay for a month without changing the colour and taste. It is a natural alternative to honey. Those who do not want to consume honey can take benefits like honey by using jaggery in this method.

Quantity- 1-2 teaspoons for adults, half teaspoon for children.

Consumption method- If there is any harm from honey, then the consumption of lemon benefits by removing the disorders. Honey can be taken by mixing milk, water, curd, cream, tea, toast, bread, vegetables, fruit juice, lemon in any item. It should be consumed naturally in winters with hot drinks, in summers with cold drinks and rainy season.

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