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The combination of onion and ghee is beneficial. Onion curry becomes more nutritious and tastier when cooked with ghee. Drinking onion juice and ghee mixed with it increases strength. Squeezing lemon on pieces of raw onion helps in the digestion of food. Onion gives strength to the nervous system. Onion and honey both together become hot. Therefore, pregnant women should not consume both together, take only the onion. Although onion is beneficial, it seems to be harmful to some. There is a feeling of the sinking of gas, there is thirst. They can’t eat onions. It goes like this > Stomach hurts after eating.
Taking three doses of homeopathic medicine Thuja 200 twice daily for two days can cure the side effects of sinking in the stomach before meals. He can eat, and digest onions. One onion has the same power as two eggs.
Beauty Benefits – By eating onions regularly, dry skin becomes soft and smooth, the blood is purified, all the disorders of the skin are destroyed. Onion enhances beauty. Onion brings such a change in the body of women that by bringing redness, fairness, filling in the body parts, it makes the body shapely. Young men and women lick onion juice and honey daily. The face will shine.

Black spots –
If there are dark spots anywhere in the body if the spots are increasing, then keep on applying onion juice regularly. Blackness will end.

Memory Enhancer – Mix onion and ginger juice and ghee 1-1 spoon each and drink it twice daily for a few weeks. This will increase the memory power.

Stomach diseases – In case of stomachache, indigestion, gas, loss of appetite, etc., mix one spoon each of onion, garlic, ginger juice, three spoons of honey and lick twice daily before eating food. Stop urination, frequent urination- boil 50 grams of onion pieces in one kg of water. Filter it and drink it thrice by adding honey according to taste. would benefit.

Cough –
Mix the juice of half onion with honey, and fill the bottle. Drink two spoons four times a day. The cough will be fine. There is a rumble of phlegm in the cough. So, mix an equal quantity of onion juice and honey and drink two spoons four times a day. The cough will come out. If there is a cold, sore throat, then eat one roasted onion daily in the morning and evening.
Jaundice –
Mix two spoons of honey with three spoons Of onion juice and lick on a hungry stomach every morning.

Burning –
If there is a burning sensation anywhere in the body, apply onion chutney or apple juice.

Teething –
Calcium is replenished by the consumption Of onions. If there is any disease at the time of teething, mixing half a teaspoon of onion juice and honey and giving it once daily is beneficial.

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