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Malaria, worms, vomiting, hiccups, good appetite, increasing kidney function, reducing blood cholesterol, acidity, dysentery, colitis, neurological pain, cold, headache, increased fat, children’s diseases, heart diseases etc. benefits are there in basil. Take half teaspoon basil juice or ten leaves of basil daily.

Cough – Boil 25 basil leaves, 10 crushed black peppers in 200 grams of water and boil it until 150 grams of water remains. Filter it after cooling it and fill it in a bottle. Drink three spoons of it three times a day. The cough will be fine. A chronic cough that does not get cured in any way will also get better.

Cough and cold – Mix half a teaspoon of ginger juice, half a teaspoon of basil juice, one teaspoon of honey and lick it thrice daily. Drink lukewarm water from above. Cold and cough will be cured.

Strengthening – If taken every morning on an empty stomach, half a teaspoon of basil juice mixed with four teaspoons of water increases sharpness, power and memory. Mix one spoon of lemon juice in one spoon juice of basil leaves and apply the decoction, eczema and scabies on the place of itching. It is beneficial in these diseases.

Health – Boil 10 green leaves of tea basil in a cup of water, filter it and drink it. If you want, you can add sugar to taste. The green leaves of basil can also be kept in powder form. It can be drunk as tea. It can also be kept after drying and grinding into powder. Grind 30 clean leaves of basil and take 20 grams of curd which is not sour or with one or two spoons of honey. After this, eat and drink something back and forth for two hours.

Cough, cold, new and old cold, the tendency to cold, congenital cold, respiratory disease, lack of memory, the pain of head or eyes, high or low blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, acidity, dysentery, malaise, constipation, gas, kidney weakness, stones or other kidney diseases, rheumatism, diseases caused by deficiency of vitamins ‘A’ and C, white spots, leprosy, skin diseases, wrinkling in the body, chronic diseases, fever, Measles (smallpox) and many diseases of women are cured.

Cough, cold and fever – Boil 10 leaves of basil and 4 cloves in a glass of water. Cut basil leaves and cloves into pieces. After boiling in water, when half is left, then add a little rock salt and drink it hot. After drinking this decoction, wear woolen clothes for some time and sweat. Drink this decoction twice a day for three days.

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