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Bad odour in sweat and urine This comes from eating too much salt. By eating salt, the cells die and when the clogged cells come out through the pores with sweat, a strong foul odour occurs. Therefore, to avoid bad odour, salt should be eaten at least.
Eat only garlic and salt chutney, drink hot water and sleep with a blanket. This will make you sweat and the flu will be cured.
If the teeth are on fire due to eating sour, then rub the ground salt on the teeth. If the tooth shakes, grind black salt in sesame oil, mix it well and apply it.
Arthritis or rheumatism-
(1) If swelling and pain in the joints are severe, then heat salt or sandy soil and bake it by binding it in a bundle. Drink it, the headache will be cured.
(2) Mixing 3 grams or three grams of salt in a quarter cup of water, sniffing that water provides relief in headache.

Hypertension has often been a belief that patients with high blood pressure should not take salt, even if they have to take it, at least they should be taken.
Cracked lips- Mix salt with butter and apply the paste to your lips. The lips will stop cracking.
Whitlow-When the pain is persistent, then the pain subsides when the thumb or finger is immersed in salt water.
Burning-Making a thick solution of salt and applying it to the burn does not cause blisters.
Ringworm-After every hour, knead the salt in water and apply it to the ringworm. Ringworm will be cured in a week.
Obstruction in urine-
One spoon of salt, two foams Soak it and keep it on the navel. Urine will come freely. To remove mucus, mix two spoons of ghee with half a spoon of salt and massage it on the chest. Dissolve strong salt in hot water and drink it.

Throat diseases-
Any disease in the throat like tonsils, throat pain, hoarseness, hanging, gargling by adding salt to hot water is beneficial.
In diseases in which salt has been stopped, do not consume salt.
Nail growth-
Mix salt in warm water and bath the nails regularly for 10 minutes for a
month. Nails will start growing.
Nail break-
If there are cracks on the nails, then massage 2 teaspoons of hot mustard oil mixed with 1/4 teaspoon of salt. Nails will not break and nails will shine. The nails will become strong.

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MihirMihirJune 4, 2024

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