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Nature- Hot. Sesame is a powerful food for the winter season. Do not feed sesame to pregnant, it can lead to miscarriage. Black sesame seeds are best. Sesame is a skin cleanser, milk enhancer, brain power booster. The word ‘oil’ is derived from the word ’til’. Oil is a symbol of sesame. Sesame should be used for eating only after washing it. By consuming sesame, the digestion process remains fine, and appetite is good. Irritability goes away, memory power increases. The mind remains calm. Tiredness goes away. It is beneficial in asthma, cough, and lung diseases. It is beneficial in eye diseases, arthritis. It is anti-inflammatory, expectorant, anti- inflammatory and beneficial for hair. Eating sesame seeds, papad, laddus in the winter season destroys cough. Frequent urination is less. These are semen- stimulating chemicals. If there is any harm due to the consumption of sesame seeds, then take onion, and lemon. Sesame oil spreads quickly in the body and goes into small pores. Sesame oil is more beneficial in making medicinal oil. The oil should be pure.
Fill 20 grams of oil in the mouth and keep rinsing for at least five minutes, this is the oil-bow action. Oil- Bow means that by keeping oil in the mouth, the jaw, voice, body becomes strong, the lips do not crack, the throat does not dry up, there is no pain in the teeth and the teeth remain strong. Pyorrhea is fine.

Once in seven days, put three drops of oil in both ears. This will keep the ears healthy. Hearing power will be good.
Urine in bed-
By eating sesame seeds or eating gajak, sesame laddus. Children stop urinating in bed.

Arthritis- Massaging with sesame oil is beneficial for Arthritis disease.

Excess urine-
By eating sesame laddus twice, excessive urination stops.
Frequent urination, urination in bed – (1) 50 grams black sesame, 25 grams carom seeds, 100 grams jaggery mixed. By eating 8 grams of this regularly in the morning and evening, the frequent urination of children will stop urinating on the bed. (2) Chew a teaspoon of sesame + two teaspoons of carom seeds and drink water. After consuming one week, the benefit will be there. It is also beneficial in diabetes, and mental falls. Those whose hair has become white, hair fall, baldness, if they eat sesame regularly, then their hair will become long, soft, and black. Massage sesame oil in hair. After half an hour of massage. Dip a towel in hot water, squeeze it and wrap it on the head, after cooling, dip it again in hot water, squeeze it and wrap it on the head. Keep a warm wrap in this way for five minutes. Then wash the head with cold water. Dandruff will be removed from the hair.

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MihirMihirMay 4, 2024
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MihirMihirJune 4, 2024

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