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Its vegetables can be fed to the sick without any hesitation. Eating raw turnip clears diarrhea.
Chilblains- Boil the turnips and wash them with water. Then rub turnip on it. By doing this at night, wrap the cloth on the chilblain.
Diabetes-A diabetes patient should eat turnip vegetables regularly. In case of frequent urination, one turnip and one radish should be eaten raw by mixing them. The diseases of gums and teeth are cured by chewing raw turnip and eating it and the teeth remain clean.
Swelling of fingers due to cold- Boil 50 grams of turnip in one kg of water. Then by keeping hands and feet in this water, the swelling of the fingers goesaway.
Asthma- Mixing the juice of turnip, cabbage, carrot, and bean and drinking it in the morning and evening for two weeks is beneficial.
Asthma, cough, sore throat- Boil turnip in water and filter this water and drink it after mixing sugar. Turnip greens are beneficial for those who have a sore throat, and do singing and give speeches.

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MihirMihirApril 16, 2024
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