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Take tea, milk, and sugar in the required quantity, boil it a lot, then filter it and drink it. The tea made in this way does a lot of damage. The right way to make tea is as follows- Boil water, milk, sugar in the required quantity when it starts boiling, then take it down and put the required amount of tea in it and keep it covered for eight minutes. After this, filter it and drink it after having some breakfast. The tea made in this way is healthy for the body. To make the tea more palatable, mint, dry ginger, black pepper, clove, cardamom can also be added. Such tea is more delicious and beneficial for health. A cup of tea contains 4 grams of tannin which acts as a poison in your body. Let a cup of tea stand for some time. After an hour or two, look at its condition that the black tea will be under the nicotine layer on top, how much will the colour change. Look at the layer of tea with your finger, how sticky and thick it is, which causes disorders in the intestines. See how much tea does harm. Tea only gives an illusion of freshness. Tea contains tannin which hinders the absorption of iron in the body. Therefore, drink tea after two hours of taking iron-containing things and iron-rich medicines. Do not make a habit of drinking tea. Tea causes a lot of harm if there is a habit of drinking tea regularly, it reduces digestion power. Burns the blood and dries the body.

Harm –
(1) Tea spoils the intestines and stomach.
(2) Tea spoils the appetite, sleep is lost.
(3) Tea increases acidity in the stomach.
(4) Sometimes ulcers are caused by tea.
(5) Drinking more tea increases the heartbeat and there is a possibility of heart disease, If you want to drink tea, do not drink more than 1 or 2 times and drink do not drink on an empty stomach, to remove the illaffects of tea, drink five cups of pure water after a while of drinking a cup of tea. Insomnia patients, if they drink tea, then the disease will lead to acidity and colic (Peptic Caffeine- Tea is harmful to those who take tea-coffee drugs). It will become very serious. Drinking tea causes less sleep.
The researchers concluded that there is a tradition that the ‘caffeine’ found in tea and coffee reduces a person’s ability to work. 350 mg in three cups of coffee and one cup of tea. Contains caffeine and consuming such an amount of caffeine can increase stress in a person as well as reduce the ability to concentrate. Drinking tea on a hungry stomach worsens digestion and drinking it at bedtime leads to less sleep. Neuralgia, and blood pressure increases with tea, so such patients should not drink tea. Diarrhea, convulsions- Grind one teaspoon of tea leaves and a quarter teaspoon of salt together and take three parts of it with warm water thrice a day. Do this regularly. There will be benefits in diarrhea caused by twisting. Keeping the shampoo in the hair for a long time increases dandruff instead of reducing it. Washing hair with tea water stops hair fall. Boil tea leaves, filter their water, and keep it in the fridge. After washing the hair, apply this water as a conditioner in the hair, it will increase the shine in the hair.

Cholesterol –
Drinking tea reduces the risk of heart disease. Tea reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
Bone, joint pain –
Excessive consumption of tea can cause joint pain, yellowing of teeth, depression, tress etc. A cup of tea contains 18.13 ppm fluoride, while according to the World Health Organization only 1.5 ppm fluoride is appropriate. Due to excessive consumption of fluorosis, joint pain, weakness, etc. are common complaints. The excess amount of fluoride present in the body does not allow oxygen to be distributed properly by accumulating around the red blood cells. The primary stage is fatigue due to the lack of oxygen in these granules. Fluoride slowly erodes bones, making it difficult to pass urine. Gives, due to which joint pain starts. Sometimes fluoride enters the kidneys, it is possible to treat fluorosis in children up to 12 years of age.
Vitamin ‘C’ and ‘D’ are most effective in fluorosis disease.

Loss of appetite –
Boiling tea for a long time releases a chemical called tannin which gets deposited on the inner wall of the stomach, which stops hunger.
Home Uses of
(1) Mix a little lime in the wet leaves of tea and rub it on mirrors and after some time, clean it with a dry cloth.
(2) Mixing a pinch of washing powder from the remaining leaves of tea, and rubbing it on the utensils become clean.
(3) Boil tea leaves in water for one hour and keep them closed in a vial. A seal will work well for cleaning varnished furniture, doors, etc.
(4) Rubbing boiled tea leaves on wooden furniture leaves the furniture scum.
(5) Sugarless tea leaves are a good fertilizer for the plant.

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