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Turmeric is an antiseptic and blood purifier in its health properties. The nature of turmeric is hot, so the main purpose is to generate preventive power, it is also helpful in increasing potency and organizing blood transport. Old age is kept away by the consumption of turmeric, diseases do not stay in the body for a long time.

Turmeric is healthy, auspicious and fortunate, so it is used in auspicious work, etc. Turmeric is a disinfectant like penicillin and streptomycin. A special type of volatile oil in Turmeric is 5.8%. The oil contains a terpene called curcumin, which can pollute the cholesterol collected in the arteries of the blood, in addition to this, Vitamin A protein is 6.3%, carbohydrate is 69.4% and mineral elements are 3.5% are present in turmeric. Turmeric has amazing power to destroy bacteria. Turmeric purifies the blood. It also destroys vices. Turmeric is bitter and pungent, it is juicy, dry and warm.
Its consumption is very beneficial in research, anemia. Turmeric, being an antiseptic, destroys ulcers, boils and pimples, starting the intake of turmeric in small quantities, gradually increasing the quantity and keeping consuming it for a long time. Do not consume more than 1 or 2 teaspoons of turmeric at a time.
Consume turmeric with water or milk, apply it on the diseased part, apply it both by the paste and internally, there is a quick benefit. Grind turmeric and consume it. Heart patients should minimize the use of turmeric. Ami turmeric is more beneficial in pain. If it is not available then use turmeric which is useful regularly.
Cancer – A special type of alkaloid (alkaline element) curcumin element in turmeric which is anti-cancer. Consumption of turmeric does not lead to the formation of a specific element mutagen in the body. It damages the DNA of the cells of the body. Cancer patients should take half a teaspoon of turmeric once with water or milk.
Digestion-Turmeric makes blood quickly after digesting eaten drink. Acidity, burning sensation in the stomach, sour belching, when the air accumulates in equal quantities of turmeric and black raisins, make tablets by grinding both of them and taking 4-4 tablets thrice a day is beneficial.

Jaundice-Mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric, half a kilogram of unsweetened curd and eat thrice a day. There will be benefits in jaundice.
Fever-Mix 1 glass warm, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 10 black peppers (ground) and drink milk in the morning and evening, the fever coming due to cold will be cured. If the throat is sore, the voice has deteriorated, then it will also be fine.

Piles, Arsh- Grinding a knot of turmeric and applying it on piles is beneficial, diarrhea becomes very bad due to stale food, and disturbance in food and drink.
Turmeric removes toxins from the intestines. If there is any disease of the intestines, or diarrhea, dissolve 1 teaspoon of turmeric in 1 cup of water and drink it twice a day, diseases of the intestines are cured.
In chronic diarrhea, taking 1 teaspoon of turmeric mixed with 1 cup of buttermilk twice daily for a few weeks is beneficial.

Cracking of hands and feet-
Apply it on the skin by rubbing it with raw milk. There is ground turmeric. Hands and feet do not crack. If it has burst, then fill turmeric in them. It will be fine.
Anemia- Turmeric is rich in iron. Give two spoons of raw turmeric juice.
Chapped lips- Mixing a little turmeric in mustard oil will stop the cracking of lips and navel.
Pain-Taking one spoon grounded raw turmeric mixed with a glass of warm milk cures pain anywhere in the body, back pain, headache. Do not add sugar to milk. Drink milk mixed with honey.
Fractures-By taking half a teaspoon of turmeric with warm milk twice a day as long as the plaster remains, the bone gets attached.

Injury- Any mark on the skin, boils, pimples, black and white, bruises, pain, sprains, pain due to injury, swelling, blood clots, wounds, thorns pricked, pain due to any reason If there is not only pain, rheumatic joint pain, use turmeric in all these conditions in the following way, the benefits will be available in every kitchen, beneficial ground turmeric.

If you get hurt, take it with milk.
(1) Take half the quantity of turmeric, add ghee to it, heat both, tie a bundle in a cloth and bake it. After baking, spread it on the painful area, apply it, put cotton on it and tie a bandage. It will be beneficial.
(2) Knead two spoons of turmeric, one spoon of salt in a little water and apply it after heating. Cook a little ghee or mustard oil, two spoons of ground turmeric, two spoons of onion juice, two spoons of wheat flour all like a pudding and apply it hot.
(3) Cook pudding by mixing two spoons of ground turmeric, four spoons of wheat flour, one spoon of country ghee, half spoon rock salt, little water. Tie bandage on the injured place. You can increase or decrease the quantity as required. Add half a teaspoon of rock salt, a teaspoon of turmeric to half a kilo of boiling hot water, then stir. Take off the vessel, keep it covered, when it becomes like to bake,
soak the cloth and bake the injured part with it. There will be relief in pain.
(4) Regular consumption of turmeric is also beneficial in broken bones.
(5) Grind an onion and mix a spoonful of turmeric and tie a bundle in a cloth. Heat it by placing it in sesame oil and baking it. After baking for some time, open the bundle and tie it to the painful place.
(6) If there is any injury, the swelling has come from the injury, mix two parts ground turmeric and honey and one-part lime and apply it, the pain will go away.
Piercing the ear-
Grind of fenugreek and turmeric with water. Apply it on the pain after ear piercing. It ends the pain.
Moving Teeth- Put turmeric knots on burning coals and cover the burnt turmeric knots with a vessel. These will be extinguished and become turmeric coal, in the same way, coal can also be made by burning it on gas.

Grind this burnt turmeric and mix an equal quantity of ground carom seeds in it. Moving teeth will become stronger.
Toothache is cured by roasting ground turmeric on a griddle. Mix two spoons of ground turmeric, two spoons of ground white alum, 100 grams of very finely ground flour, salt sifted through a sieve. Keep all these together. Mix half a teaspoon of this powder with 10 drops of mustard oil and do it. The pain will go away, the teeth will start shining after cleaning.
Yellowing of the teeth-
Mixing turmeric and salt in mustard oil cleans the teeth, removes the swelling and yellowness of the gums.
Method- Grind 20 grams turmeric, 50 grams rock salt very finely and mix it with 30 grams mustard oil. Do this twice daily.

Tooth disease-
By regularly brushing with turmeric, salt and mustard oil, the teeth are strengthened, roast turmeric on fire and grind it finely. Rubbing it on the sore teeth ends the pain. Tooth worms die. Toothache is also cured by just brushing with turmeric. Press a piece of turmeric under the painful tooth. Dissolve a little turmeric in water and gargle with a little salt in case of tooth worms, it ends pain. Use lukewarm water.

When the air gets accumulated in the stomach, there is great pain. In such a situation, take 33- grams of ground turmeric and salt with warm water, it will be immediately beneficial.

Eye pain-
(1) Add water to turmeric. Dip a cloth in it and put this cloth on the sore eye and tie a cloth over it, it reduces the pain of the eyes.
(2) Put 5 drops in half a teaspoon of turmeric and heat it and apply it on the eyelids.
(3) Boil 1 teaspoon turmeric dissolved in 1 glass of water, filter it and wash the eyes twice daily. Keep your eyes closed so that the water does not go in and gets baked.
With this, common diseases like redness of the eyes, swelling, watery eyes are cured. If there is redness and tearing pain in the eyes, if there is pus, then one teaspoon of turmeric is ground, boil it in half a kilo of water so that one-fourth of the water remains. Then filtering it in a fine cloth and putting it in the eyes in the morning and evening is beneficial. Make it fresh every third day and use it for redness in the eyes, and swelling, if water flows, rubbing turmeric in water, heating it a little and applying it on the eyelids is beneficial.
Mixing half a teaspoon of turmeric, a teaspoon of ground gooseberry, taking it with warm water purifies the blood, turmeric purifies the blood.
In case of boils, take turmeric in excess quantity.

After heating ground turmeric mixed with ghee or oil, soaking cotton wool in it and tying a bandage on the wound regularly, the wound is healed.

Insects in the wound-(1)Sprinkle ground turmeric on the wound. Due to this the insects produced, die. Wounds fill up quickly.
(2) Grinding turmeric knot in water and applying it kills the worms of the wound. Sprinkle ground turmeric on the wound, it heals quickly.

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MihirMihirJune 4, 2024
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MihirMihirMay 4, 2024

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