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Bottle Gourd is the fruit of a plant of the Cucurbitaceae family. It is called Bottle Gourd in English due to its bottle shape.

Nature- Wet. Bottle Gourd removes the heat of the brain. Bottle Gourd is cold and dry. Bottle Gourd juice is nutritious for the mother. Bottle Gourd generates a desire to eat and is full of medicinal properties. Bottle Gourd is supposed to get rid of the fetters of disease. Bottle gourd juice is beneficial in fever, cough, lung, heart disorders, all urinary diseases and uterine diseases. Bottle Gourd keeps the pulse system healthy and gives strength. The quality that the bottle gourd is green, soft, smooth, feels soft to touch. That is why in any condition of the disease, giving bottle gourd soup and juice is beneficial in almost all diseases.

Acidosis- Blood acidity becomes normal by the consumption of bottle gourd. Bottle Gourd helps in the formation of red blood cells. Eat bottle gourd after boiling, frying, do not fry in spices.

Urticaria- Apply bottle gourd juice and eat gourd vegetables wherever urticaria occurs in the body.
Hemorrhage (Epistaxis)- If hemorrhage is flowing, then soak cotton in bottle gourd juice and squeeze it lightly and spread it on the forehead. This will cause tartness and it will get through the nose. Keep in mind, that juice should not get in the eyes.

Dry cough, burning in urine, loss of appetite, weight loss-

Eat raw bottle gourd or drink juice if you are in diabetes. Drink bottle gourd juice mixed with some salt. Bottle Gourd benefits headache.

High fever – Do not panic if the fever is from 102 to 104, in case of high fever, rub the bottle gourd pulp while sprinkling water on the fever soles. This causes a high fever. The fever subsides. It also reduces the burning of the soles.

Burning, skin diseases, excessive thirst, the effect of bottle gourd juice is cooling, so drinking bottle gourd juice is beneficial in those diseases which cause a burning sensation.

Taking one cup of bottle gourd juice mixed with one spoon of honey is beneficial in diseases like burning of the body, acidity, burning sensation of the stomach, burning of the throat, gall disorders, blood disorders, boils, pimple, hemorrhage etc.

Scorpion bite- Apply a paste of bottle gourd on the scorpion bite area and drink it, then the poison of the scorpion bite will come down.

Bottle Gourd is beneficial in uterine disorders. Therefore, women who have repeated miscarriages should consume bottle gourd as vegetable for a few days. By eating bottle gourd juice, vegetables, khichdi, the fetus is nourished, the baby is born beautiful, healthy and of the right weight.

Kidney pain of pregnant woman-

Renal gourd is heated and extracted the juice. By massaging and

grinding this juice. Colic also nourishes kidney pain by applying the pulp.

Urinary diseases are reduced immediately in the area of pain

In urinary diseases and kidney pain, take half a cup of bottle gourd juice and mix it with a pinch of rock salt and lemon juice and drink it in the morning, urine comes freely and burning of the urinary tract goes away.

Burning of the soles of the feet-

After cutting bottle gourd and ghee and rubbing its pulp on the soles of the feet, the heat, burning sensation, blisters are removed.

Wherever there is irritation, applying gourd pulp or juice provides relief. Applying juice also provides relief in itching.

Burning of urine

Squeezing lemon in a glass of diya juice according to taste and drinking it, ends a burning sensation in urine. If there is an obstruction in urine, then drink one gram of Attar, four spoons of sugar candy, half a glass of water, three spoons of bottle gourd juice mixed with it will bring urine.
If urine does not come even for an hour, drink again after churning the bottle gourd and extract the juice and drink one glass four times a day. Urine will also come freely from this.

Bottle Gourd 75 grams, garlic 20 grams, grind both and boil them in one kg of water. After half the water remains, filter and rinse it, it ends toothache.

Bleeding of piles and bleeding piles in diarrhea, dysentery-

Dry the peels of bottle gourd in the shade and grind it. Eat bottle gourd khichdi.

Obesity, Heart disease, Stomach diseases-

Drinking I0- 10 leaves of bottle gourd mixed with basil and mint in a glass of bottle gourd every morning on a hungry stomach is beneficial. There is a quick benefit in acidosis.

Duodenal piles-

After boiling bottle gourd, it is beneficial to eat dry ginger, green coriander for taste, regularly.

Stomach diseases-

A common disease and constipation, drinking a cup of bottle gourd juice on an empty stomach in the morning regularly cures all stomach problems. Drinking bottle gourd juice like this for a long time will keep the stomach fine. You can also eat bottle gourd khichdi.


Bottle Gourd raita is beneficial in diarrhea. Grate the bottle gourd and boil it with some water. Then churn the curd well and mix the boiled bottle gourd in it by squeezing it lightly and add rock salt, roasted cumin, black pepper powder and eat thrice a day. Frequent diarrhea will stop. Due to frequent thin diarrhea, there is a lack of water in the body, in such a condition giving bottle gourd juice to the patient is beneficial.

Throat pain and burning-

A glass of bottle gourd juice mixed with two spoons of honey or sugar is beneficial. Bake the bottle gourd in the fire and make it like a bhurta, then squeeze it. Take out and drink after mixing some sugar candy. Kidney and liver disease and jaundice are beneficial. Drink bottle gourd soup too.


Amplified mentality such as mental stress, jealousy, vengeance due to overwork. Eating bottle gourd vegetables reduces the acidity of the blood. On the contrary, the more you get excited, the more the small circle gets excited and the more acid starts forming in the body.

Live happy, simple, your body’s activities remain more alkaline. The way to become alkaline is to be happy, to laugh and laugh at a talk, to breathe, to give and receive love to others. Taking deep breaths and slowly exhaling, pay attention to the breath, deep and abundant, when tension increases, drinking a small glass of bottle gourd juice thrice a day keeps stress, anger under control. You can also drink bottle gourd juice regularly. There are many benefits of bottle gourd.

Eat cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables with peels. Vegetables of cold nature like bottle gourd, pumpkin, Indian Squash, soaked almonds and figs, wheat porridge alkali are predominant. Include these things in your diet.

Avoid tea-coffee, alcohol, maida things, fried food, canned food etc., do not eat, drink cold, pale milk if acidity is present.

Mental stress

Drinking half a cup of bottle gourd juice mixed with two spoons of honey at bedtime reduces mental stress. Apply bottle gourd seed oil on the head. Grinding gourd to make oil and applying it on the forehead ends headache caused by the effect of heat. Apply bottle gourd oil on the head regularly, the headache will go away.


Sleep at night by massaging the head with bottle gourd oil. Grind fresh peels of bottle gourd and rub it on the face or rub the pulp. The face will be beautiful. Rubbing the pulp of gourd on the dark spots of acne removes the dark spots.

Cracking feet-

Grind bottle gourd and apply it on the feet.

If there is burning in the stomach, burning in urine after drinking alcohol, then drinking gourd juice mixed with sugar as per taste is beneficial.

Sore eyes, pain-

Grind the gourd and put the pulp in a thin cloth and close the eyes and sleep for forty minutes. There will be profit soon.

Heart disorders-

Along with the vegetable of bottle gourd, 20 ml of it should be given to those suffering from heart disease. It should be drunk daily in the morning and evening.

Heart colic-

The pain caused due to blockage of blood vessels that carry blood to the heart, it is called heart colic.

Consuming juice continuously benefits from gourd juice, acidity, intestinal ulcers, liver, spleen, heaviness of stomach, lack of blood, excessive blood in menstruation, lack of appetite, many diseases etc.

Health gets better by taking advantage of it. Some people get diarrhea in the beginning after drinking the juice of bottle gourd. Therefore, take small amounts in the beginning and gradually increase the quantity.

Method of use- Wash the gourd with the peel and put 8 leaves of basil, 6 leaves of mint in the grated bottle gourd and squeeze it in a grinder. Put the bottle gourd in a cotton thin wet cloth and remove it. In this way, the juice will come out filtered. Mix four ground black pepper and one gram ground rock salt in this filtered juice and drink it three times a day in the morning, afternoon and night, one and a half hours before the meal or one and a half hours after the meal. The quantity of juice should be 150 grams every time. Take an equal amount of clean water in it, that is, the total quantity of both bottle gourd juice and water should be 300 grams.

Soaking the seeds after mixing the seeds will keep the head ‘according to the time of bottle gourd intake, drinking bottle gourd juice for a long period of time for about six months is not likely to cause any harm, but if someone feels any harm, then stop taking the juice.

Relaxation will be felt only after ten days of use. Gradually increasing the distance of walking, you can walk as long as you want to walk.

Blood purifier-

(1) Boiling bottle gourd and eating it regularly without adding salt purifies the blood. The pimples stop coming out.

(2) Mixing sugar candy in half a cup of bottle gourd juice and drinking it in the morning and evening purifies the blood. If there is heat in the liver, then eat two spoons of gourd seeds inside twice a day. The effect of heat will go away.

Take 30 grams of soaked ripe dry tamarind and 50 grams jaggery in one kg of water and dissolve it in water for one hour. Take 75 grams of bottle gourd pulp, cut it into small pieces and put it in this solution and boil it so that the water remains in a quarter. Then stop boiling and after being slightly warm, filter the water and drink it once daily for 10 days.

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