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Amla which is large in size, does not have fiber in the pulp, is spotless and has slight redness, that amla is the best. Amla is available fresh in the winter season and it remains fresh from November to March.

Its qualities do not fade, whether dry or fresh. Vitamin ‘C’ in one gooseberry is equal to four oranges and eight tomatoes or four bananas.

Therefore, it is important in the power of the body to fight diseases. Vitamin ‘C’ of Amla is easily digested as compared to Vitamin ‘C’ tablets.

The main among the carbohydrates found in amla is fibrous ‘pectin’. It is capable of destroying the disorders of the blood vessels. Amla pacifies bile due to its sweetness and coolness. It is the main medicine of bile predominant diseases like blood bile, cold bile, acidosis, colic etc. It is the main component of medicines that increase internal strength.

There is a chemical in amla, whose name is succinic acid. Succinic acid prevents aging and also has the power to rejuvenate. Various chemicals present in amla contribute well in the reconstruction of sick and aging cells.

To avoid old age, take amla juice mixed with sugar candy and ghee. Taking one spoon of dry ground amla with water regularly brings radiance and youthfulness to the body.

Amla is of cold nature. The specialty of Amla is that even after drying its coldness does not get destroyed. You can get similar properties by eating amla in any form, green or dry.

Regular consumption of amla improves eyesight and memory. Its consumption is beneficial in scabies disease. Amla produces amino acids and helps in the quick healing of wounds. Amla is beneficial in removing the heart problems, obesity, spleen, blood pressure, herpes, teeth and gums. Its consumption increases the health power in the body.

This fruit is useful in producing more blood. The effect of infection is less in the person’s body who eat amla. It removes constipation.

Amla has the power to cure all diseases. If you feel dizzy in summer, if you are nervous, then drink amla syrup, if your heart beats faster, then eat amla jam. Vitamin ‘C’ is highest in Amla. Humans need 50 mg of vitamin ‘C’ daily which is found in 1.6 ounces of amla juice. One amla is equal to two oranges.

Amla makes the teeth and gums hard. Increases health power in the body. Eat amla jam for hair, skin, stomach and eyes. It cools the body, mind and pacifies the body heat.

It is beneficial for pregnant. A good amla gives more strength than an egg. Amla is beneficial for the brain, heart restlessness, palpitations, flour, spleen, blood pressure and herpes.

Amla is powerful and healthy. The properties of dried amla can cure broken bones, metallurgical, fat- growth destroyer.

Raw amla juice should be drunk. At bedtime, ten grams powder of amla, twenty-five grams should be used. It should be mixed with honey. After eating it chutney, raw pickle, sherbet, marmalade in any way twice daily, take 1 spoon grounded amla with water.

Along with constipation, headache, gas, burning in the eyes and hands and feet, burning in the anus, pain go away.

By taking it regularly, brain power increases, asthma relieves in breathing. Blood is purified, blood circulation is fine, liver remains fine. Boiling two spoons of ground amla in two cups of water, drinking it after filtering the water, increases the appetite, tastes good, after dissolving the ground amla in water and rubbing it like udder, the skin becomes soft and disease-free.

Peoria – Consumption of fresh amla is effective for the strength of teeth and gums. It is also beneficial for people suffering from pyorrhea. Mixing five drops of mustard oil in dry ground alma or amla juice and rubbing it on the teeth cures pyorrhea, hence it is used as an anti-aircraft agent in amla and bile.

Hemorrhage – Those who are often suffering from nose bleeds, soak 50 grams dried amla in 3 kg of water at night, filter the water and wash the head with it regularly and also drink a cup of water. Eat amla murabba. If hemorrhage does not stop in any way, then drip the juice of amla in the patient’s nose, spritz and grind the amla and apply it on the head, drink four spoons of amla juice mixed with three spoons of sugar candy, it will definitely be beneficial.

If fresh amla is not available, then soak dried amla in water and apply that water on the head. This will remove the mental heat.

Prevention of heat – By drinking amla syrup in summer, one does not feel thirsty again and again and it protects against summer diseases.

After drinking Amla juice for three months cures deafness of ears. Boil two spoons of amla mixed with jaggery or sugar candy in two cups of water. Filter it and drink it after half the water remains. Prepare in this way and take it twice. If menstruation is less then it will come freely and there will be no pain.

Medical lisp – The stuttering of children is cured by chewing amla, the tongue becomes thin and the speech becomes clear.

Peeing in the bed – Some children urinate in the bed. Give one gram of amla powder one sugar-candy. Drink cold water from above. The

disease will go away. In case of blisters, use of one spoon of sugar candy, gram ground black cumin seed in the bed will cure throat ulcers. Mix equal quantity of liquorice and dried amla powder in a glass of milk and drink it in the morning and evening for four days.

Dream Interpretation –
(1) Consuming one spoon amla jam regularly is beneficial.
(2) Grind 20 grams of dried amla in the glass and put it. Fill 60 grams of water in it and then allow 12 to soak, then after filtering, add 1 gram of ground turmeric in this water and drink it. It is a good medicine for dreaming.

Stones –
1.Eating amla powder with radish is beneficial in urinary stones. 2.Mixing equal quantity of ground amla and sugar candy, taking two spoons with water for two times a day, removes the stones. There is benefit.

Bleeding piles – By taking one teaspoon of dried amla on a fine grater in the morning and evening with
buttermilk or cow’s milk.

Burning sensation in the urine – Mixing one-fourth cup of fresh Indian gooseberry juice, half a cup of water and sugar according to taste, drink it twice a day, it ends burning sensation in the urine.

Constipation and premature ejaculation also goes away. It is beneficial in burning of chest. The burning sensation and itching of the female’s urine is calmed.

Consumption of amla juice with honey also helps women to get rid of prostate cancer- 150 grams of seeds, 150 grams of jaggery, half a kilogram of black sesame seeds, mix them together by making laddus of 20 grams daily. Eat in the morning and evening. Prostate diseases will go away.

Burning of urine –
(1) Drink 50 grams of green amla juice, 50 grams of sugar candy or honey mixed with a little water in the morning and evening. This is the weight of a single dose. This will allow urine to come out freely. Burning and constipation will be cured.

(2) Soak two spoons of whole coriander, one spoon of ground amla in two cups of water overnight. Grind coriander in the morning and evening in the same water with your hands, shake the water and drink it after filtering it. Similarly, soak and drink it in the morning. Drink it continuously for ten days. Burning of urine will go away.

(3) Mixing two indian gooseberries and sugar candy in equal quantity, taking it twice a day with water, burning of urine and intermittent flow of urine is cured.
Diabetes – Fresh amla juice is beneficial for diabetic patients. Taking it is beneficial in diabetes. Sugar production is reduced.

Constipation- Taking a spoonful of ground amla with water or milk at night clears the diarrhea in the
morning, does not remain constipated. Stomach becomes clean.

Swelling in the liver, Jaundice – Drink a quarter cup of amla juice mixed with a glass of sugarcane juice. In this way, by drinking thrice a day, jaundice is cured. [250 grams amla + 50 grams cumin + 25 grams cardamom, mix all, grind and take one spoon thrice with cow’s milk, it is beneficial.

Diarrhea- (1)Mix an equal quantity of dry amla powder and black salt. It is beneficial to eat two Indian gooseberries for diarrhea. Mixing four spoons of fresh amla juice in four spoons of water is also beneficial.
(2) Make a paste of amla by adding water to it and make a paste after making a circular wall in the area of two inches around the navel and fill it with ginger juice. The patient should keep sleeping straight. This stops frequent diarrhea. (3) Mix 10 grams of ground amla, and 5 grams of ground myrtle berries.

Take one-fourth spoonful of it with water twice a day. It will be beneficial in all types of diarrheas. Digestive power will increase.

If blood comes in diarrhea, mix one spoonful of ground amla with the same amount of honey and take it thrice a day for ten days.

Hair- Apply amla oil to the head. Due to this, the hair remains thick, dark, and soft.
Weakness of the brain- Consuming 2 spoons of amla jam on an empty stomach regularly ends the weakness of the brain.

To increase memory power, eat two spoons of amla jam on a hungry stomach every morning. Children do not remember what they have been taught, for those whose memory power has become weak in old age, the consumption of amla marmalade is beneficial.

Stomach diseases – Eating two pieces of amla jam regularly does not cause stomach diseases. Digestive power is increased by taking a spoonful of powder of dried amla after eating digestive power, the stool comes by binding.

Constipation is removed by taking it at bedtime.

Worms – Mixing one ounce of fresh Indian gooseberry juice and two spoons of honey, drinking it twice daily for 7 days destroys the worms.

Strengthening – Lick one spoon grounded amla mixedwith two spoons of honey, drink milk from above. This always keeps good health. Happiness is felt throughout the day.

When fresh amla is available, drink half a cup of amla juice mixed with two spoons of honey and half a cup of water in the morning. Drink milk from above. Due to this, the tired knowledge-fibers would get good nutrition.

After drinking regularly for a few days. Those who want to be healthy will come to consciousness in this way, they should drink amla juice regularly.

Blisters – Eat two spoons of amla jam daily.

Skin Rejuvenation- After a daily morning walk or exercise, drink three teaspoons of honey mixed with
amla juice and do not take anything for two hours. Consuming this type of juice regularly for two months gives rejuvenation.

Always keep taking it in some form or the other.

The conditions are-
(l) Use Amla as souring in greens-vegetables.
(2) Make amla chutney and eat it. Mix honey in its juice and drink it like a sherbet.
(3) Make amla pickle.
(4) Boil amla and eat it after adding sugar, and spices from the point of view of taste.

If you keep using amla in any way, then your health will be good. There will be no diseases due to lack of nutritious food.

If there are diseases, they will also go away. Mixing two spoons of ground amla, one spoon of honey, three spoons of desi ghee and taking it regularly for a few weeks, the body undergoes a metamorphosis.

Chawanprash is made from amla itself, it removes fatigue, weakness of the eyes, liver, and brain. There is “500-700 mg” of vitamin c in 100 grams pulp of amla.

Vitamin ‘C’ is found in a fresh amla equal to two oranges.

Scurvy – Due to scurvy, bleeding can occur from any part Of the body, the gums swell, and bleeding starts.
Bones can break on their own. A person suffering from this disease feels weakness in the body and becomes irritable by nature. This disease occurs due to the deficiency of Vitamin ‘C’ in the body. Regular consumption of amla gives relief from scurvy disease.

Eat two spoons of ground amla in the same evening and drink milk from above. It cures various types of headaches. It is very beneficial to consume two pieces of amla marmalade in the morning on an empty stomach.

In anemia, drinking half a cup of amla juice mixed with two spoons of honey and a little water is beneficial.

Eyesight – Consumption of Amla improves eyesight. Eat amla murabba regularly. Soak 6 grams of dry amla in a loaf of water overnight. Filter this water in the morning and wash your eyes. It cures all diseases of the eyes and improves vision. Mix one teaspoon of ground sugar candy in one teaspoon of powdered dry amla and take it with water in the morning and night. It is also beneficial in constipation and indigestion.

Bleeding – If blood is flowing from any part of the body, every two hours taking one spoon of ground amla with cold water stops bleeding.

In case of bleeding from a cut, applying fresh juice of amla to the cut area stops bleeding.
Stomach diseases – Take a spoonful of amla powder with water after meals, in a few days the miracle itself will be visible. Taking one spoon of powder with one spoon of honey every night before sleeping is beneficial in all stomach diseases.

Acidity –

(1) Two teaspoons of amla juice, drink the same amount of sugar candy or mix finely ground dry amla and sugar candy with water, it also cures blood bile.
(2) Taking a spoonful of ground amla or its juice with water in the morning on a hungry stomach, is beneficial in acidity.

High blood pressure – Amla has the ability to reduce sodium, so the use of amla is beneficial for blood
pressure patients. It is helpful in increasing and cleansing the blood and it provides the necessary fiber

to the body.
Weakness of heart and brain – After having half a meal, drink the juice of green amla mixed with 35 grams of water, then take the left half meal.

In this way, by consuming it for 21 days, the weakness related to the heart and brain is removed, health improves, and memory increases.

Cholesterol, Prevention from heart disease – Taking one spoonful of amla regularly prevents heart disease. Mixing one-fourth cup of raw green amla juice, half a cup of water, sugar-candy according to taste reduces cholesterol and becomes normal, which prevents heart disease.

Heart disease –

(1) By taking two spoons of powdered amla with milk diseases of the heart are removed.
(2) Grind equal parts of dry amla and sugar candy. If so, drink a glass of milk after eating two spoons of amla jam and eat it for two hours, taking a spoonful of amla jam with water regularly, all the diseases of the heart are removed.

There is no possibility of heart failure by always consuming amla. Feeding marmalade four times a day will stop it.

Vomiting during pregnancy – If there is itching, put one piece of amla in the woman’s mouth, then drinking sugar mixed with amla juice daily is beneficial.

Side effects of alcohol – Mixing an equal quantity of amla and sugar candy, taking two spoons with water in the morning and evening ends the side effects of alcohol.

Pain – Take a spoonful of amla with warm water in the morning and evening. Grind two cardamoms in milk at night and drink it after boiling. Wherever there is a pain in the body, there will be benefits.

If there is phlegm in the chest in asthma, cold, cough, then mixing half a teaspoon of ground amla and licorice mixed with warm water starts expelling phlegm.

In tuberculosis, eating amla regularly in any way is beneficial.

Burning of measles – If there is a burning sensation in the body after measles, then boil 50 grams of dried amla in 2 kg of water and wash the body regularly with it, itching and burning will go away.

If there is pus in the urine, then mixing four spoons of amla juice, two spoons of honey, and one spoonful of ground turmeric and taking it twice a day stops pus.

To keep the hair healthy, by not applying natural oil to the hair, the hair becomes dry.

Apply amla oil to the hair, when green amla is found in the winter season, drink its juice. If it is not possible to drink the juice, then boil amla while preparing the vegetable.

After boiling, take out their kernels and eat them by putting ground cumin, black pepper, salt on it. Sugar can also be added. When green fresh amla is not available, then take dry ground amla with water daily. Grind equal quantity of dry gooseberry powder, black sesame, sugar candy and drink warm milk after pouring one spoon each for twelve consecutive months.

The hair will be dark, thick, and strong, as well as make pulp by mixing lemon juice and ground basil leaves in all parts of the body and apply it to the roots of the hair. Wash the head after twenty minutes, after using this for a few months, the hair becomes soft, dark, falling stops.

Mix amla powder with finely ground shikakai and amla powder in equal quantity. Soak eight spoons of powder in half a kilo of water at night. Sieve them well in the morning and rub them in the hair and wash the head after ten minutes. This is a natural shampoo. This makes the hair shiny and soft.

Clean the ones – Grind dry Amla, Shikakai, Aretha in equal quantities to a fine paste. Boil three spoons of it in 3 cups of water, cool it, and filter it. Squeeze out the remaining pulp after filtering and wash the head with it. The hair will be completely clean. The farce will also be washed away.

Method of making shampoo – 100 grams of Amla, 100 grams of Shikakai, 100 grams of Aretha and 200 grams of Black Olives. Mix all the ingredients and boil them in 2 liters of water, till half the water remains. Filter it and use it as a shampoo.

If you take care of your hair in this way, then your hair will become healthy, beautiful, and shiny.

Hair fall – Soak fifty grams of dried gooseberry in 250 grams of water at night and wash the head with this water for ten days in the morning. It strengthens the hair roots and enhances the natural beauty of the hair.

Seizures are removed, the brain and the eyes are benefited. After grinding henna and dry amla, kneading it in water, the hair becomes black. Along with this use, mixing amla powder and sugar candy in equal parts, taking it with water is very beneficial in hair diseases.

Blackening of hair – Boil a teaspoon of tea in a cup of water. Sieve when it boils well. Add two spoons of
ground amla, four spoons of ground henna, half a spoonful of coffee, mix it all and apply it to the hair.

After an hour wash, the hair will remain black and white hair will also start looking like black, gold. Use this once or twice a week. The quantity can be increased as required. Amla has the properties of making hair black. It is used to strengthen the hair roots.

Amla gives natural beauty to the hair. Amla being sour, the best way to clean the hair, wash the face, it is a good cleaner. Grind two spoons of ground amla, 40 leaves of basil and mix them together. Dissolve them in a cup of water.

Keep applying this solution to the roots of the hair. Wash your head after drying. Due to this use, the untimely white hair becomes black and even further white hair does not come.

To lengthen hair, soak both dry amla and henna in half a cup of water in equal amounts. The quantity of water can be increased or decreased as required. If you wash your hair in the morning, your hair will become soft and long.

Rubbing aesthetically ground amla-like udder keeps the skin clean and soft and does not cause skin diseases. Amla paste enhances beauty. Bake 50 grams of ground amla. Add two spoons of ghee to it. Eating one spoon of honey mixed with it regularly increases beauty.

If there is darkness in front of the eyes, burning in the head, frequent urination, then mixing three spoons of amla juice in a cup of water and drinking it for four days in the morning and evening is beneficial.

High blood pressure – High blood pressure is cured by eating amla jam regularly in the morning. Amla is a
blood purifier.

Dizziness- (1)If you feel dizzy in summer and if you are nervous, then drink amla syrup. 2 unpeeled amlas and coriander 15 grams each, soaked in a glass of water overnight. Strain the water by mashing both in the morning. Mix sugar candy by grinding it for a sweet taste and drink it, it will stop the dizziness.

(2) Mix half a spoonful of amla + one batasha + 5 ground black pepper and take it twice with water.

Children’s Dental Diseases – Children whose teeth are not properly ejected, weak, fragile and worms have started in their teeth, they should be given fresh amla daily. Eating a fresh amla after cutting it and rubbing it on the tooth after cutting a fresh amla cures toothache.

If there is a worm in the tooth and there is pain, then mix a little camphor in the juice of amla and apply it to the tooth, and the pain will go away.

Eye Lightning – Fill a glass with water, put a spoonful of ground amla in it every night. In the morning, wash the eyes with half the water without stirring. Drink the remaining half water with amla. By doing this for four consecutive months, eyesight will increase, glasses can also be removed. Eyes – Soak Triphala in an earthen pot in water at night. Washing the eyes with this water after filtering in the morning keeps the eyes healthy. Cough- Break the green leaves of the amla tree, dry it

in the shade and grind it with a sieve of flour and take one spoon twice with water, it cures any type of cough.

Leucorrhea, Cough-
(1) Mix one spoon grounded amla with one spoon of honey and lick it twice daily. Taking half spoon of amla with warm milk in the morning and evening ends with dry cough and coughing up blood.
In white leucorrhea, taking one spoon of ground amla with water regularly is beneficial. You can also take its juice.

Sore throat –
(1) Taking ground amla mixed with water opens the throat
(2) Mixing a spoonful of amla and honey and licking it twice opens sore throat. Inflammation gets better.

Nutrients in Amla- The pulp of 600g amlas contains 81.2% water, 14.1% carbohydrate, 0.7% mineral salts, 3.4% fiber, 0.1% fat and 0.02% phosphorus.Amlacontainsmany vitamins,themainonebeingVitaminC’ i.e., sorbic acid. Gallic acid, tannin, and albumin are also present in amla.

Medical nutritious product by food- Boil amlas in water and throw away the kernels.

Ingredients- 1 kg of sack, 1 kg of sugar, half a liter of water.
Method- Make three parts of sugar and boil one part of the sugar in water. Dissolve the sugar completely in water. Filter it with a cloth and boil it again. Put the amla flakes in it and cook till it comes to a boil again. Turn off the flame and let it cool down and cover it with a mesh and leave it overnight.

The next day, separate the slices and add sugar to the syrup and give it a boil. On boiling, cook the pieces of amlas (which were separated from the syrup) till it comes to a boil. Turn off the flame and let it cool down automatically and cover it with a mesh and leave it overnight.

On the third day, separate the slices from the sugar syrup and mix the remaining third part of the sugar in the empty syrup and give it a boil. Now add the pieces separated from the amla syrup and boil again for 5 minutes on high heat till a string syrup is formed. Now when it becomes lukewarm, fill it in a glass jar and cover it. Eating these five forks regularly will be more beneficial than eating one amla.

Amla Powder – Put thick ripe Indian gooseberries in boiling water for 5 minutes and see that their buds have become like separation, if the buds (forks) do not separate then let it boil for some more time, then take it out by keeping it in plain water for 10 minutes. Separate the amlas and dry them in the sun. Throw away the lumps. When they are completely dry, grind them. The powder is ready. This powder is as beneficial as amlas.

(1) One teaspoonful of this powder can be taken in the morning and evening, which will give enough anti-disease power.
(2) This powder can be put in desired quantity in the form of sourness in pulses, chutneys, vegetables etc.
(3) During summer, it can be drunk like a cold drink by adding sugar as desired in cold water. To make a more delicious drink, salt, roasted ground cumin or jaljeera can be taken.

Amla Products made from amla juice – Drinking amla juice on a hungry stomach is more beneficial. Its juice can be drunk in small quantities by dissolving it in a spoonful of water. Fresh amla is not always available, so it can be preserved for a year by making edible and drinkable substances from its juice.

Amla sherbet ingredients 1 kg sugar, 20 teaspoons fresh amla juice or amla powder and 300 grams of water.

Method-Mix sugar, water, and amla juice and give it a boil. Filteritinasteel vessel, cool it, and fill it in clean empty bottles containing sherbet. Use it in the summer season like a soft drink and drink it by mixing water. Amla Digester – Keep amlas in boiling water for 10 minutes, boil them and separate them, dry these slices a little. Now squeeze some lemon juice on them and dry them. These dry slices can be eaten throughout the year in place of fennel, betel nut etc.

Amla Digestive Tablets Ingredients- (1)Green fresh Amla 250 grams
(2) 2 teaspoons of ground cumin seeds (3) 15 grams of fresh peeled ginger

(4) Rock salt is ground according to taste
Method of preparation- Tie the amlas in a cloth and cook them in the steam of boiling water. When the amla become soft after cooking, cool them, grind, and throw the kernels, add rock salt, cumin, ginger and grind them again and make tablets and dry them.

Consumption method and use- Suck two tablets thrice and drink cold water. These tablets are very tasty and digestible. Amla’s sour-sweet pickle without oil- After boiling 1 kg of amla, take out the kernels, tighten it and make sawdust. Forty grams of rock salt, one teaspoon coarsely ground garam masala, four

teaspoons ground fennel, one teaspoon roasted ground cumin, 5 teaspoon sugarcane or Jamun vinegar.

Method- Put all the ingredients on the amlas as mentioned above, fill it in a dry jar and keep it in the sun for 3 days with a lid. The pickle is ready. This “oilless” pickle is full of nutritional properties. Keep in mind that all amla products turn dark brown with time. That is due to some chemicals present in amla which are not harmful.

By consuming amla products made in this way, desired benefits can be obtained.

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