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Curd is more beneficial than milk. 18 times more calcium is found in curd than milk. For those who can’t digest milk, curd can be taken by them. The amount of vitamin B, especially thiamine, riboflavin and nicotinamide, doubles in the curdling process. Yogurt is easily digested as compared to milk, curd also contains a lot of protein and calcium. Do not eat curd in case of harmful asthmatic breathing, cough, phlegm, blood piles and fever. Curd should not be eaten at night.

Indigestion –

By adding ground cumin, salt and black pepper mixed in curd, eating it regularly cures indigestion. Food gets digested quickly.

Diarrhea –

Take 100 grams of barfi and 150 grams of curd, mix both and eat in the morning and evening.
Diarrhea will stop.

Acidity –

Eat only sweet curd in acidity. Curd should not be too sour. Too sour curd increases acid or acidity and due to excess amount of lactic acid brings lethargy and weakness in the body.

Taking curd, rice and rock sugar together before sunrise ends the headache that increases with sunrise.Take it for at least six days.

Bleeding Piles –

As long as the blood keeps coming in the piles, keep eating curd, do not eat anything else. The bleeding will stop.

When you feel hungry you should eat curd.

Method of eating curd- The best way to eat curd is that fresh. Mix water and eat it with food in the morning. A little water must be added to the curd so that the curd becomes disorder free. Adding honey to curd, sweetening it and eating it increases its properties.

Sourness of curd-

If curd turns sour, tie it in a cloth and hang it. The sourness will go away with the dripping water. Eating dry curd mixed with sugar removes the dryness of the body.

Migraine –

The pain of ‘migraine’ is cured by eating rice with curd. Eat rice mixed with curd daily before the onset of headache at sunrise.

Hair Fall-

Hair fall due to excessive emotional pressure. Due to the deficiency of estrogen hormone in women, hair fall is also more due to deficiency of hair element, vitamin ‘B’ and iodine.

To prevent hair fall, the head should be washed with curd. Yogurt contains all the ingredients that healthy hair needs. Apply curd to the roots of the hair and wash the head after twenty minutes. Doing so will bring benefits.

Dysfunction caused by bile and sunlight-

To remove the discomfort of the summer season, drink curd lassi mixed with rock salt and roasted cumin. This will bring freshness and vigor. Weakness is removed by regularly drinking curd lassi. There is no irritability, anger in the mind and there is mental peace. Curd is also said to be very eneficial in heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and kidney diseases. If the heart is beating fast, there is high blood pressure, if the heart is submerged, then drinking a glass of curd lassi regularly is beneficial, it has the ability to eliminate the dangerous substance called cholesterol which is formed in the blood. Cholesterol strongly blocks blood flow in the blood vessels leading to a heart disease. Those who eat greasy foods are the victims of this disease. So, it is better to use curd.

Hair –

Washing the head with curd makes the hair soft and beautiful. Washing the head by mixing 10 ground black pepper in a cup of curd is good for cleaning. Hair remains soft and black and hair fall stops. Wash your hair like this at least once a week.

Cleansing of the skin –

Mixing a spoonful of lemon juice in a tablespoon of curd, soaking cotton wool and rubbing it on the face cleans the face, the skin becomes soft.

Itching –

Take a bath by massaging curd on the body. Itching, dryness, roughness on the hands and feet,
everything will be fine. Also, drink curd lassi. It is beneficial in the summer season.

Blemishes, Acne –

When the skin becomes dry, black spots appear in places, if the face becomes ugly due to acne, then massage the face and body with curd, then take a bath after five minutes. Mix gram flour in curd and mix it. The skin will become soft.

If there is swelling, pain, burning in the boil, then tie curd with water. Put curd in a cloth and hang it by binding a bundle. The water of curd will drip from it. Then put it on the boil and tie a bandage. Change the bandage three times a day.


Eating curd mixed with ground black pepper, fennel and sugar will bring sleep. Curd is used for insomnia. It has often been seen that after the consumption of curd, sleep comes easily.

Cannabis intoxication – By continuing to feed fresh curd, the intoxication of cannabis goes away.
Irritation in the eyes – Rub curd cream or butter on the eyelids. This will cure the burning of the eyes.

Stones are removed by drinking curd lassi.
Mix curd and gram flour and rub it on the body in case of body odour.

Cancer Medicine –

Yogurt intake is very useful for health. Although curd is made by curdlingmilk,the milkincreasesin its properties when it turns into curd. Curd has the power to fight against a dreadful disease like cancer.

Yogurt is anti – tumor.

Researchers say that the bacteria of yogurt are also beneficial in skin cancer. This ability of curd can be helpful in preventing disease. By eating curd regularly, curd not only has the anti-cancer ability. According to scientists, after an hour of eating curd, 81% of the curd’s other bacteria acidophilus can also be beneficial in intestinal cancer.

The body assimilates it, whereas, after an hour of consumption of milk, only 32% of the ash is absorbed by the body. Yogurt reduces the waste of the body. Therefore, the consumption of curd is very useful to reduce obesity.

Plant Base


MihirMihirMay 4, 2024
Plant Base


MihirMihirJune 4, 2024

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