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Nature – Soft and Moist.
Cabbage is white and yellow in colour. Yellow cabbage is good. Sulfur is found more in cabbage.
Sulfur is beneficial in skin diseases like itching, leprosy, etc. Cabbage is
a blood purifier. Therefore, it should be eaten by boiling it in steam. It produces gas when it boils in water. Fever is cured by eating cauliflower vegetables without oil or with a little oil sprinkled on it.

Blood vomiting-
Blood vomiting stops by eating cauliflower vegetable or by eating it raw. Tuberculosis patients take it. Cauliflower can cure both types of piles (hemorrhagic and hemorrhagic). Roast cauliflower in ghee and eat it after adding rock salt. Eating cauliflower vegetable is useful in burning of urine.
Iron- Cauliflower is a good source for the supply of iron to cancer, duodenal ulcer pregnant women, Colitis, (Duodenal Ulcer) drinking a three-fourth cup of cabbage juice regularly in the morning on a hungry stomach is beneficial.
Alzheimer’s is a disease in older people that damages a large part of the brain that controls memory, thinking, and speaking. Memory becomes weak. Eating cauliflower can be helpful in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s.
In addition to cauliflower, potatoes, oranges, apples, and radishes contain substances that give the same effect as the medicine used in the treatment of Alzheimer’s. Their quantity is highest in cauliflower. Eating cauliflower is beneficial in old age.
Constipation is beneficial by drinking cabbage juice at bedtime. Cabbage contains blood purifying alkaline elements.
The mixture of sulfur and chlorine found in cabbage cleans the mucous membranes and intestines. All these alkalis clean the body and blood. Due to this, only the juice of raw cabbage is beneficial in destroying skin diseases, gas, nail, and hair diseases. Cooking doesn’t help. Gas is formed by drinking its juice. To avoid this, drink equal quantity of carrot juice mixed with cabbage juice. Then there will be no gas. Consuming cabbage juice provides relief in joint and bone pain, dyspepsia, weakness of the eyes, and jaundice.

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