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The sweetness of fruits is ‘fructose’. Fructose is fruit sugar. It is found more in grapes. Fresh grapes are raw green and black. When dried, they are called raisins. If grapes are not available, use raisins, dry grapes, it will be of equal benefit. All the elements of milk are found in raisins. Therefore, where milk cannot be consumed, you can take the benefit of milk by consuming raisins. Grapes and raisins contain all the elements that the body needs to keep it healthy. After the disease is over, by eating grapes, the lost energy comes back quickly. A man can make his living by living on grapes. By eating grapes, the immunity power increases. The mind is happy, the appetite is good. Grapes generally contain 10% to 30% sugar. That is why grapes have a special place in the form of a power giver among fruits.

Grapes- Sugar being in the form of glucose is easily digested and there is no pressure on the digestive system. Therefore, by eating two kilograms of grapes, one can remain fresh and agile throughout the day. Diabetic patients should not eat grapes. Small children can also be given 50 to 100 grams of grapefruit juice. Grapes contain natural citric and tartaric acids. Grapes also contain some amount of potassium, sodium and calcium. The natural sweetness of grapes helps remove acidity. In grapes, probiotic-B and important mineral elements are found in special quantities. Grapes contain tartaric acid. It is beneficial in diseases of the intestines and kidneys. Grapes alter blood circulation. Grapes speed up the blood transfusion process. The new fresh blood generated by this replaces the old muscles and generates new muscles. These new muscles work for months and keep the body flawless. This increases vitality. Therefore, it is beneficial to eat grapes regularly. By drinking or eating grapefruit juice, the stomach and intestines become pure and clean. New red blood begins to circulate. The skin is soft and glowing. There is an amazing glow on the face. The power of the eyes increases. The power of hearing and smell increases. There will be no other side effects from consuming grapes. To remove diseases, grapes should be consumed patiently. The effect of grapes will not be visible in a day or two. The effect of grapes will be visible after four weeks. By the end of the sixth week, there will be a considerable change in the appearance of the patient. There will be redness on the face, the aura of the eyes will increase, in place of a weak voice, a sweet voice will start coming out. In the beginning, 100 grams of grapes should be eaten daily at a time. Then by increasing its quantity, two to three kilograms of grapes can be eaten easily in four to five days. Children eat as per their wish. Eating grapes should not be stopped completely, but the number of grapes should go on decreasing gradually. In this way, by eating grapes, the disease will be removed and the body will become healthy.

Grapes are nutritious food for healthy humans and are powerful for the sick. No food of any kind was given to eat or drink for severe and complicated diseases. Grapes in the form of food are given in cancer, tuberculosis (T B), pyorrhea, appendicitis, rickets of children, rheumatism, fits, blood disorders, stomach wounds, knots, syphilis, frequent urination, weakness etc.

Ripe grapes are a little loose but cool, beneficial to the eyes, nutritious, sweet in juice and culinary, tone-purifying, blood-purifying and remover of the foreign substances in the body. Grapes are beneficial when eaten alone. It should not be eaten by mixing it with any other item.

Anemia- Grapes increase blood. Grapes contain a sufficient amount of glucose sugar. Iron is abundant in grapes. Just 10 ounces of grapefruit juice prevents anemia from occurring. By eating grapes, iron deficiency and deficiencies of vitamins and alkalis are removed. In anemia, by eating fresh grapes throughout the season, the deficiency of blood is removed and redness appears on the face. There is no other medicine better than grapes in the case of anemia.

By eating at least 50 grams of grapes regularly, frequent colds stop.

Grapes removes those salts from the body due to which arthritis persists in the body. Grapes
should be eaten in the morning to clear the conditions of arthritis.

Cancer, heart disease-
Both anti-oxidants and pro- oxidants are found in the body. If there are more pro- oxidants, then the chances of getting heart disease, cancer and other fatal diseases increase early. An excess number of anti-oxidants is not harmful. Anti-oxidants are very high in red and black grapes. Therefore, by eating dark black grapes, cancer and heart diseases are reduced. The number of antioxidants in green grapes is less than in black grapes.

Therefore, black grapes are more beneficial in reducing, eliminating cancer and heart diseases. Grape’s juice is proved very useful in heart diseases. It prevents blood from clotting, due to which the circulation of blood in the heart continues smoothly, as a result of which heart disease does not develop in the body. For those who have low blood pressure, the juice of black grapes is beneficial for them. In cancer, the patient should fast for the first three days. Then start consuming grapes. Apply enemas occasionally. Do not feed more than 2kg of grapes in a day. After a few days, buttermilk can be given to drink. Do not give anything else to eat. The benefits from this happen gradually, over a few months. Its poultice can be applied to wounds.

Epilepsy-Eating grapes is very beneficial for epileptic patients.

Half-headache-Drinking one cup of grapefruit juice every morning before sunrise cures migraine.

Fever- Grapes are beneficial in all types of fever. It is also beneficial in typhoid, viral fever, cough and phlegm. Eating grapes gives strength to the lungs.

By eating grapes cough goes away. The phlegm comes out. Do not drink water after eating grapes. If the dry cough has stifled the nose, then take an equal quantity of amla, small peepal, black pepper and dry grapes and take one spoon each with honey in the morning and evening. It removes dry cough.

Eating grapes is very beneficial in asthma. Eating grapes is beneficial even if there is blood in spitting.

Pain and palpitations in the heart- If the patient keeps eating grapes, then heart diseases are cured soon. Grapes are beneficial for the heart. Sodium and potassium are essential elements for heart rate which are found in abundance in grapes. When there is pain in the heart and the heartbeat is high, drinking grape juice stops the pain and the heartbeat becomes normal.

Within a short time, the patient gets relief and the disease goes away. Blood circulation and heart rate are balanced by the consumption of grapes. Grapes are anti-oxidants. It is beneficial to consume it before and after a heart attack. To remove physical weakness and good health, it is good to eat 100 grams of grapes or 20 grams of raisins with milk daily.

Eating grapes removes nervousness.

Teething out-
At the time of teething, by giving two spoonful juice of grapes regularly, the teeth come out easily and quickly, the child does not cry. He remains cheerful. Due to this, children do not get dizzy. Grapes are sweet. If desired, honey can also be added for taste.

Infant constipation-
To remove the constipation of babies, give two spoons of grapefruit juice in the morning and evening daily.

Constipation of elders- Constipation bleeding by eating grapes with rock salt and black pepper powder. Keep eating100gramsofgrapesdaily.
It stops bleeding from the nose, mouth and urinary tract. This leads to chronic fever, nervousness, T B. It is also beneficial in other diseases.
Grapes quenches thirst. When the mouth and tongue start drying in fever, then eat grapes.

Irregular Menstrual, white leucorrhea- By eating 100 grams of grapes regularly, menstruation comes regularly. This will lead to good health. It is a good tonic for this.

Kidney pain- Grind 30 grams of leaves grapevine, mix it with water, filter it, mix salt and drink, it provides relief to the suffering kidney patient. Frequent urination is not good for the bladder. Eating grapes reduces the frequency of passing urine. Grapefruit juice increases kidney function.

If there is a burning sensation in the anus and urine does not come openly, then soak 50 grams of raisins in water at night and mash them in the morning, filter it and give it with the powder of roasted cumin seeds. Due to this, the burning of urine comes out and urine comes freely.

Milk Growth-
By eating grapes, milk increases, a woman with less milk has to eat grapes, soon it gives heat and strength to the body. Grapes contain 25% sugar and a sufficient amount of fructose and glucose, grape juice is digested quickly.

It contains iron which increases hemoglobin in the blood. It is best for those with anemia. It is a disinfectant. Grapes are a strong alkaline diet, flushes out toxins from the body. Grapes are the best food for physical strength. When the physical powers have become very weak, then for a few days only eat grapes. They give new life and give strength to all the organs. After a long illness, the weakness in the body goes away. The juice of fresh grapes is beneficial for weak patients. It makes blood and dilutes the blood, making the body fat. Drinking grapefruit juice twice a day improves digestion power, removes constipation, does not cause accumulation of air. It is quickly digested, it removes weakness, it is useful in headaches, fainting attacks, dizziness, chest diseases, caries. Removes blood disorders. There is a benefit in white leukorrhea.

There is a baby in the womb. Grapes increase iron in the blood. If a woman has grapes in the morning during pregnancy, she will be healthy and the child to be born will be healthy and strong. Women who have a weak uterus should consume grapes daily. This removes the weakness of the uterus.

Healthy, strong nails, acne, freckles- Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which can neutralize the effects of free radicals. Pollution, ultraviolet radiation, smoking and stress produce free
radical molecules, which harm the body in many ways, especially on the skin.
If Vitamin ‘C’ is applied to the face, it gives a silky cover to the skin and the skin remains completely fresh.
Grapes kill many harmful bacteria present in the skin. It has been seen that if a paste of grapes is applied to the skin, then the skin blooms, but here it should be remembered that the greener the grapes, the better the glow is on the skin.

Beauty, Wrinkles-
Apply grapefruit juice on the face with a cotton swab and wash after ten minutes. The pores will be cleared. If the skin is dry, then by applying two parts grapefruit juice, one part rose water, the skin becomes soft. Apply grape juice and eat grapes. By doing this for two months, the wrinkles of the face will be removed and the face will become radiant. If you have a toothache, then suck grapes, it will be beneficial.

By eating grapes regularly, wounds heal quickly. Mixing an equal quantity of grapefruit and pomegranate juice in acidity ends the burning sensation of the chest, there is no vomiting.

Darkness before the eyes-
Black grapes are beneficial for the eyes. An element called lutein is found in large quantities in black grapes, which acts as a tonic for eye health. Not only this, an element called Xanthin is found in grapes, which protects the eyes from diseases. Behind the retina in the eyes is a yellowish substance, which protects the eyes from harmful substances. Grapes increase this yellow color matter. Eat 100 grams of black grapes continuously for a few months, the deteriorating eyesight will increase.

The habit of cigarette, tea, coffee, liver, alcohol is left by eating grapes only.

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MihirMihirMay 4, 2024
Plant Base


MihirMihirMay 4, 2024

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