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Papaya must be eaten before meals. Eating papaya is useful in diseases of the digestive system.
Time to eat papaya- It is more beneficial to eat papaya in the morning. It tastes good, constipation is removed.
If you are hungry in the evening, then eat papaya. Papaya is good for health. Consumption of papaya maintains strength in old age, prevents the weaknesses of old age. In terms of nutritional value, 0.6% protein and 0.5% minerals are found in papaya.
The amount of vitamin A in papaya is more than 20 times that of apple, grapes, litchi, pomegranate. Apart from this, vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are also found in it, a type of enzyme is found in its fruits, which is called papain’, which helps in the digestion of proteins.
Papain (Raw papaya) is used as medicine. The side effects of medicines, which arise due to excessive consumption of medicines, continuous taking of medicines, are removed by eating papaya. Eating ripe papaya is beneficial in the case of diphtheria, tapeworm. In Cancer and TB, eating papaya is beneficial.
Diuresis- Eating papaya causes more urination. Where to bring more urine, feed papaya.
High blood pressure-
Eat four pieces (250 grams) of ripe papaya on a hungry stomach every morning for two to three months. High blood pressure will be cured.
Applying papaya milk on scabies, ringworm and scorpion bites is beneficial.
Diarrhea- Eating boiled raw papaya cures chronic diarrhea.
Facial beauty-
Rubbing the pulp of ripe papaya on the face for a few weeks clears blemishes and acne.
Grind half-ripe papaya and apply it regularly on the face and wash it after one hour. Eat papaya in the morning on a hungry stomach. Nails, acne, wrinkles will go away and the face will become beautiful. Do this for two months.
Constipation is cured by drinking milk after eating papaya in the morning. Ripe papaya is beneficial in constipation, indigestion and bleeding piles. Eat papaya hungry stomach.
Grind ten seeds of papaya in water and mix it in a quarter cup of water and take, it kills stomach worms. Take this daily for seven days.
Dry the root of the papaya tree in the shade and grind it into small pieces. Soak two spoons of it in half a glass of water at night. Filter it in the morning and drink that water. The stones will come out with urine in 21 days.

Ripe papaya in acne-
Patients suffering from joint pain should eat papaya regularly. It quenches stomachache.
If menstruation is irregular, it is stopped, it comes late or early, if there is a pain in menstruation, then grinding dry seeds of papaya and half spoon with warm water in the morning and evening, starting from a week before the onset of menstruation.
By taking it for two to three months till the menstrual flow stops, after removing the defects of the menstrual cycle, menstruation starts coming correctly. By eating raw papaya vegetables regularly, menstruation will start coming regularly.
Milk Growth-
There will be milk growth by eating raw papaya vegetables. Milk also increases by eating ripe papaya.
Eating papaya regularly is beneficial in spleen and jaundice.
Removal of heat-
Churn the pulp of ripe papaya and mix sugar according to the solution in milk and drink. This removes the heat.
Grind 50 grams of dried papaya seeds, mix 50 grams of sesame oil, boil it, filter it, and take. The benefits of massaging this oil on the paralyzed parts.

Papaya cleans the stomach. Gives strength to the liver. Papaya should be fed to small children whose deformity is bad. Biscuits should not be given. Papaya is good for stomach diseases.

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MihirMihirApril 16, 2024
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MihirMihirMay 4, 2024

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